AMSA's New Satellite Tracking Station

Sunday 25 May 2014
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority's 2012-13 online annual report was recognised at last week's Institute of Public Administration Australia (IPAA) Annual Report Awards, taking home Highly Commended in the CAC Act category.
AMSA’s IPAA Annual Report Award shown in front of the 2012-13 online report

AMSA's new satellite tracking station in Mingenew, Western Australia will be operational by mid-2016. The six-antenna satellite tracking station is part of the international Medium Altitude Earth Orbit Search and Rescue (MEOSAR) system. The facility will detect and locate emergency distress beacon activations for Australia and the region. 

As part of the community engagement for this project, AMSA have struck up a partnership with the principal, teachers and students of Mingenew Primary School and visited them in December 2015. 

The students in years four, five and six spent the last half of 2015 learning about satellites and search and rescue in Australia. They have completed individual projects on the AMSA satellite tracking station which included models, drawings, PowerPoint presentations and essays. 

As part of ongoing community engagement with the town of Mingenew, Mrs Joanne Greene, grade four, five and six teacher, organised a delivery to AMSA showcasing the best replications of the satellite tracking station which are now on display in AMSA's head office. The partnership between AMSA and Mingenew Primary School and the community will be ongoing.

Members of the Mingenew community attending the open day at the Mingenew Satellite tracking systemThe student's models on display in AMSA's head office

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