AMSA coordinates rescue of yachtsman in Torres Strait

Monday 8 July 2013
The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) coordinated the search and rescue of a French yachtsman in the Torres Strait this morning.
Media Release

At approximately 2am this morning, AMSA was advised by French authorities of a person requiring assistance in the Torres Strait.

The distress was traced to a French yachtsman on a six foot yacht located approximately 98 nautical miles north east of Horn Island.

AMSA issued a broadcast to shipping in the area and tasked its Cairns based search and rescue Dornier aircraft and a rescue helicopter from Horn Island to assist and head to the area. AMSA’s Dornier located the yachtsman at approximately 11.15am.

The rescue helicopter winched the man from his yacht and he was taken to Thursday Island Hospital for medical assessment.

Torres Strait Yacht rescue Torres Strait Yacht rescue Torres Strait Yacht rescue Torres Strait Yacht rescue