AMSA celebrates the 2016 International Maritime Organization Day of the Seafarer

Wednesday 22 June 2016
AMSA is this week celebrating the 2016 International Maritime Organization (IMO) Day of the Seafarer.
IMO Day of the Seafarer banner

The 'Day of the Seafarer' is a global campaign designed to acknowledge the services of the world's 1.5 million seafarers and the unique conditions they work under; reflect on the role seafarers play in our global economy; and commit to improving seafarer safety and welfare.

This year's theme, 'At Sea For All', has been set to emphasise that seafarers serve at sea not just for the shipping industry or for their own career purposes, but for the benefit of the world and all of us.

With 80 per cent of the world's goods shipped by sea, shipping is the most efficient, dependable and cost-efficient way to transport goods globally; facilitating commerce and increasing economic opportunities amongst nations.

Australia in particularly reliant on shipping, with 99 per cent of our international commodity trade carried by sea. With our unique and pristine environment, including the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage Area; the dedication, safety and ongoing training of our seafarers is essential to the continued wellbeing of Australia.

To promote the important theme of 'At Sea For All,' we are asking seafarers, those in the maritime industry, and those who have benefited from the work of seafarers to get involved by sending their tweets with the IMO hashtag #AtSeaForAll.

We encourage you to participate in this important theme, and tell us what seafarers mean to you!

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