Expected delays due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

Locations of the containers found from the YM Efficiency

Locations of the containers found from the YM Efficiency, before the salvage operation.
Object IDClassificationCommentLatitudeLongitude
1Probable container—damagedProbable container—may be crushed33° 1.596' S152° 4.232' E
2Probable containerProbable container33° 1.473' S152° 4.375' E
3Probable container—damagedProbable container—may be crushed and debris33° 1.334' S152° 4.357' E
4Probable containerProbable containers33° 1.132' S152° 4.275' E
6Probable containerDouble height, could be 4 boxes33° 1.625' S152° 4.341' E
7Probable containerPotental debris near containers33° 1.610' S152° 4.278' E
8Probable containerProbable container—potential debris at north west end33° 1.646' S152° 4.295' E
10Probable container—damagedSolid shape33° 1.600' S152° 4.178' E
11Probable containerSolid Shape33° 1.543' S152° 4.167' E
12Probable container—damagedProbable container—may be crushed and debris33° 1.488' S152° 4.036' E
13Probable containerProbable container and debris33° 1.562' S152° 4.008' E
17Probable containerProbable 3 x 40' containers33° 0.664' S152° 4.095' E
21Probable containerSurveyed high resolution, debris nearby (probable 2 x 40' containers)33° 0.688' S152° 3.876' E
22Probable container—damagedProbable damaged container (two pieces)33° 0.840' S152° 3.716' E
25Probable container—damagedIrregular shape, likely crushed container or debris33° 0.939' S152° 3.446' E
26Probable containerProbable container and debris33° 1.001' S152° 3.401' E
27Probable containerProbable container33° 0.331' S152° 3.110' E
28Probable container—damagedLikely crushed container or debris33° 0.443' S152° 3.435' E
36Probable containerSolid target likely 2 x 40' containers32° 59.081' S152° 3.721' E
37Probable container—damagedProbable damaged container and debris32° 59.357' S152° 1.970' E
45Probable container—damagedProbable crushed container/debris32° 57.815' S152° 3.948' E
51Probable container—damagedProbable crushed container/debris32° 58.347' S152° 3.134' E
61Probable containerSolid target likely 2 x 40' containers32° 56.146' S152° 3.241' E
70Probable containerSolid target likely 2 x 40' containers32° 55.575' S152° 2.762' E
77Probable containerNew target—some debris33° 1.474' S152° 4.289' E
78Probable container—damagedNew target—may be damaged due to soundings on sea floor beneath33° 1.469' S152° 4.313' E

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Last updated: 29 August 2023