We invite your feedback on the proposed remake of Marine Order 501

Proposed changes to Marine Order 501

About Marine Order 501

Marine Order 501 contains administrative provisions for the National Law

Marine Order 501 is an administrative order that sets out:  

  • rules of interpretation and common definitions that apply to marine orders made for domestic commercial vessels (DCVs) under the national law (Marine Orders 502, 503, 504, 505 and 507) 
  • processes for making an application or requesting the review of a decision made under a marine order, relating to a certificate, equivalent means of compliance or an exemption 
  • criteria to determine whether a person is a fit or proper person under the national law
  • prescribed standards for domestic commercial vessels (Marine Surveyors Accreditation Guidance Manual, National Standard for Commercial Vessels and Uniform Shipping Laws Code) 
  • the process involved in returning detained vessels  
  • details relating to infringement notices and penalties.  


Key dates

28 April 2023

  • consultation opens

11 June 2023

  • consultation closed

14 July 2023


Summary of changes in the new proposed Marine Order 501

Draft Marine Order 501 (Administration – National Law) 2023  PDF461.87 KB

What changes are we seeking feedback on?

The current Marine Order 501 commenced in 2013 and is due to expire (sunset) on 1 October 2023. 

AMSA proposes to remake Marine Order 501, with some minor changes aimed at improving readability and clarity. Key changes include removing outdated references, such as to the National Standard for Commercial Vessels Part D (Crew competencies), as well as editorial changes to improve readability and clarity.

Read a summary of proposed changes.

Have your say on proposed changes to Marine Order 501

Submit your feedback using our online form. Consultation closed.

Please ensure you provide your feedback by 11.59pm on 11 June 2023.