Expected delays due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

AMSA 225

Notification of loading, or sailing after partial discharge, of bulk grain (form 225)


This form provides the means by which the Australian Maritime Safety Authority will determine whether the Master will be required to demonstrate compliance with the stability requirements of the International Grain Code to an attending AMSA Surveyor prior to loading his ship.

AMSA 226—Calculation of stability for ships carrying bulk grain provides the means by which the Master can demonstrate compliance with the stability requirements of the International Grain Code.

Eligibility criteria

This form is required to be submitted to AMSA at least 72 hours prior to the vessels proposed commencement of loading. If an inspection is deemed to be necessary prior to the commencement of loading AMSA will notify the Master/Agent accordingly.

In the case of intending to sail after partial discharge, a completed form is required to be submitted to AMSA at least 24 hours prior to the anticipated time of sailing.

Chapter VI of the SOLAS 1974 Convention, as amended, and Australian legislation (Marine Order 33: Cargo and Cargo Handling – Grain) require that ships intending to carry grain cargoes in bulk from Australian ports may be requested to
demonstrate compliance with the International Grain Code.

SOLAS 1974 requires the cargo shipper to provide the Master or his representative with appropriate information on the cargo. Beyond this it is the Master’s responsibility to ensure the proper stowage of the cargo in accordance with Marine Order 33.

How to complete this form

A separate form is required to be submitted for each successive port—the master may lodge all the notifications together for each port to the relevant office prior to the first port of call or alternatively, individually to each appropriate office.

A new form is required to be submitted to AMSA if there is any significant change in the loading plan.

Strict adherence to the layout of this form is not necessary as long as the information required by it can be provided by alternate means.

Submitting the form

The Master or Agent is required to submit the form to the nearest AMSA office of the port at which grain is to be loaded or partially discharged (see below).

For the purposes of Provision 9.1 of Marine Order 33, (Cargo and Cargo Handling – Grain MO33), the Manager Ship Inspection and Registration has approved the following methods to submit this form:


Mail: The Manager, AMSA
PO Box 10790
Adelaide Street
Brisbane QLD 4000
Fax: 07 3001 6801
Email: brisbane@amsa.gov.au

Mail: The Surveyor, AMSA
PO Box 297
Fax: 07 4972 3841
Email: brisbane@amsa.gov.au

Mail: The Surveyor, AMSA
PO Box 42
Mackay Post Office
Sydney Street
Mackay QLD 4740
Fax: 07 4957 8450
Email: brisbane@amsa.gov.au

Victoria and Tasmania

Portland; and
Tasmanian Ports
Mail: The Manager, AMSA
PO Box 16001
Collins Street West
Fax: 03 8612 6003
Email: melbourne@amsa.gov.au

South Australia

Port Adelaide;
Port Lincoln;
Port Pirie;
Port Giles;
Ardrossan; and
Mail: The Surveyor, AMSA
PO Box 3245
Port Adelaide, SA 5015
Fax: 08 8447 3855
Email: ADLOperations@amsa.gov.au

New South Wales

Port Kembla
Mail: The Surveyor, AMSA
PO Box K976
Fax: 02 8918 1390
Email: sydney@amsa.gov.au
Mail: Surveyor in Charge, AMSA
PO BOX 102
Port Kembla NSW 2505
Fax: 02 4274 7806
Email: sydney@amsa.gov.au

Mail: Surveyor in Charge, AMSA
PO Box 86
Fax: 02 4961 2694
Email: sydney@amsa.gov.au

Western Australia

Esperance; and
Mail: The Manager, AMSA
PO Box 1332
Fax: 08 9430 2121
Email: fremantle@amsa.gov.au

More information

We apply the following provisions when assessing compliance with the Code:

  1. The Code requires all compartments in which grain is stowed to be either “filled” (trimmed or untrimmed) or “partly filled” (trimmed only). AMSA does not accept “partly filled” compartments untrimmed, even if data for these is approved by the flag State Administration, as they are not provided for in the Code.
  2. AMSA cannot accept a compartment as being “filled” if the average ullage at the coaming exceeds the minimum required to accommodate the structure of hatch covers or 100mm, whichever is greater.
  3. Untrimmed moments may only be used for filled compartments with the ends untrimmed.
  4. (NB: Some Australian grain loading terminals lack the facility to adequately trim the ends of filled compartments and Masters must check the facilities at their load ports if they consider they need to trim the ends of any compartments in order to meet the required stability criteria).
  5. In partly filled compartments AMSA accepts grain surfaces in which the height between the highest peaks and the lowest troughs in the compartment is not more than 1.0m as being “level” within the meaning of the Code and therefore trimmed to an acceptable level.
  6. It is the responsibility of the Master to ensure that the cargo is trimmed as required by the Code - AMSA will not determine the method by which this is achieved.
Last updated: 20 August 2024