AMSA 433

Application for registration as a private seafarer recruitment and placement service (form 433)


To operate as a private seafarer recruitment and placement service in Australia, you must register with AMSA.

Use this form to apply to register.

You will be charged for each application you submit to AMSA.

The fee is $272 per hour, in line with the Australian Maritime Safety Authority Fees Determination 2015. This fee covers the cost of assessing the application.

Registration is valid for 5 years. During this time you must operate in line with:

AMSA will conduct audits and assessments to verify that you comply with the MLC and MO11. If you do not comply, AMSA can issue penalties.

For questions about applying, please email

Eligibility criteria

To be a private seafarer recruitment and placement service your primary operation must be recruiting and placing seafarers on vessels.

A private seafarer recruitment and placement service must register with AMSA if it:

  • operates in Australia, or
  • recruits and places seafarers on regulated Australian vessels.

Submitting the form

Email your application form and supporting documents to

More information

After you apply

Provided we have all the information we need, we will give you a decision in writing within 20 working days.

If we reject your application, we will provide feedback stating why the submission was unsatisfactory.

If we approve your application, we will add your company to the register of private seafarer recruitment and placements services.


To maintain your registration you will need to submit a new application using this form.

Last updated: 16 December 2024