Consultation Feedback Report—Marine Order 505 CRIS and regulatory amendments

This consultation feedback report is based on submissions to Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) via the online form and email.
28 November 2022

Consultation outcome 

AMSA has carefully considered the feedback received through this consultation and has now finalised the Cost Recovery Implementation Statement (CRIS) and is working with the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts to finalise the regulatory amendments that will help implement the revised Marine Order 505 (Certificates of Competency) 2022 (MO505 2022).

Pending government approval:

  • the final CRIS will be published on AMSA’s website.
  • the proposed amendments to the Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Regulations 2013 (the National Law Regulation) will enter into force on 1 January 2023. 

AMSA worked with industry extensively to develop MO505 2022, which comes into effect 1 January 2023. 

MO505 2022 creates a nationally consistent and simplified qualifications framework for seafarers working across the domestic commercial vessel industry, including creating five new Certificates of Competency. 

To ensure the smooth issuing of the new Certificates of Competency, amendments were required to the National Law Regulation to:

  • update the list of certificates of competency to include the new Certificates of Competency.
  • establish fees to support AMSA’s administration of these new Certificates of Competency. 
  • reflect the terminology used in the revised MO505 2022. 

As the proposed fees are being charged for a cost recovery purpose, AMSA was also required to complete a CRIS. 

The consultation process

AMSA published its proposed cost recovery arrangements for MO505 2022 – a draft CRIS and a summary of proposed changes to the National Law Regulation – on its website inviting stakeholder comments and feedback. 

The consultation period commenced on 14 October 2022 and closed at midnight on 30 October 2022, a period of just over two weeks. 

In addition, the National Safety Committee and the Marine Order 505 Industry Reference Group were engaged directly and invited to provide feedback. The issue was also discussed at the National Safety Committee meeting on 20 October 2022.

Results of consultation

AMSA received a total of 11 submissions during the consultation period: 

Online form: 10 submissions
Email: 1 submission

The submissions were generally supportive of the CRIS and proposed regulatory amendments, noting that a full review of the fees charged by AMSA would take place as part of the independent Review of Domestic Commercial Vessel Safety legislation currently underway.

Several submissions fell outside the scope of the consultation as they related to operational matters rather than the cost recovery framework.  

AMSA appreciates the time and effort made by all stakeholders who made a submission. 

Last updated: 28 November 2022