AMSA Levies, Payments and some forms will be offline on 23 January 2025 between 9:00 am and 10:00 am and on 30 January 2025 between 9:00 am and 10:00 am due to maintenance. We apologise for any inconvenience.

Shipping Consultative Forum

This Forum has been established to provide advice on the strategic priorities set against each of the four themes that are likely to challenge AMSA and the maritime industry in the medium to long-term:
  • Regulation—keeping pace with technology, social expectation and use of data to inform change
  • Environment—impacts of a changing climate, reduction in GHG emissions and changing energy sources
  • Stakeholders—impact of COVID-19 on industry and the long term recovery
  • Technology—improved connectivity and information exchange, increased use of automation

The group consists of peak bodies and industry associations representing regulated Australian and foreign flag vessels operating in Australia waters, seafarers and related maritime industries.

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