Expected delays due to Tropical Cyclone Alfred

Australia Post has closed multiple post offices across south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales and have temporarily paused delivery services across these areas.  This will cause delays in the dispatch and delivery of AMSA issued documents such as seafarer certificates.

Maritime Agencies Forum

The Maritine Agencies Forum (MAF) provides a forum for collaboration on maritime safety and other issues.
Maritime agencies forum logo

About the forum

The forum provides an opportunity to discuss shared regulatory issues. It aims to improve the consistency and effectiveness of maritime regulation across Australia and between commercial and recreational sectors.

The forum meets a minimum of twice a year. 

Role of forum members   

The MAF considers maritime matters that require cross-jurisdictional cooperation and collaboration. Matters considered by the MAF include:

  • environmental management, including pollution
  • pilotage licensing
  • designation of waters
  • regulation or prohibition of the operation of specified vessels or classes of vessels in specified areas
  • speed limits, navigation aids, traffic management plans, rules for prevention of collisions, no wash zones, the management of events on waterways, wrecks, salvage, passing dredges, towing objects, bar crossings and local knowledge requirements
  • removing obstructions (including abandoned, sinking and derelict vessels) from navigable waters
  • the actions of persons under the influence of alcohol or other drugs
  • requirements for vessels conducting particular dangerous operations or operations that may cause offence, including hauling garbage
  • marine radio and monitoring of marine communication services.


Maritime Safety Queensland
Transport for NSW
Marine and Safety Tasmania
Safe Transport Victoria
Department for Infrastructure and Transport (SA)
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Logistics (NT)
Department of Transport (WA)
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (Cth)
Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA)

Terms of reference  

Download the Maritime Agencies Forum Terms of Reference PDF208.44 KB.