Freedom of Information disclosures

The FOI disclosure list describes the documents disclosed under the Freedom of Information Act, and the date of disclosure.

The list excludes documents that are:

  • exempt from the FOI Act or where access has been refused
  • of a commercially valuable or personal nature released under the FOI Act
  • released to members of the public or the media outside of the FOI framework.

Some materials may have partial or full deletion/blackout of segments or sections of information where exemptions under the FOI Act have applied.

Government agencies are required to publish copies of material released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOI Act) within 10 days of the agency decision.

How to obtain copies of these documents

Individuals or organisations can request copies of the following documents by emailing our Freedom of Information Officer at

2024–2025 financial year - Freedom of Information disclosure log

Disclosure dateDate information listed in disclosure logSummary of FOI request received by agency/ministerDescription of information released under this disclosure log (and whether released in full or part)Internal reference number
04/03/202504/03/2025DeranjiRequest for the Stability Book and other documents relating to stability of the vessel, any and all approved drawings held by AMSA relating to the vessel, previous certificates of survey and previous plan approval letter for the vessel2024/16418
12/02/202513/02/2025Interlink SagacityRequest for copies of documents relating to an incident that occurred on 30 December 2022.2024/16459
12/02/202513/02/2025Various VesselsVarious documents concerning the vessels identified as UVI459537, UVI464304, SM232 and AWABA 2024/15907
20/01/202528/01/2025Vessel documentsCertificate of operation for the vessel CapriceD25/10615
20/01/202528/01/2025Vessel documentsSMS and certificates for the vessel PV WalcottD25/10508
02/01/202509/01/2025Style GuidesAMSA Style GuidesD25/6617
14/01/202515/01/2025Parrabah and NairanaRequest for drawings of the vesselsD25/6657
12/12/202423/12/2024Oil dispersantsDocuments relating to decision to list dispersants Corexit 9527A and Ardrox 6120 for transitional acceptanceD24/368867
11/12/202423/12/2024Ashlea RoseDocuments relating to marine incidentD24/368846
6/12/202423/12/2024Ivan BrodieRequest for construction drawings and surveys of the vesselD24/361515
12/12/202423/12/2024Rebecca LilyDocuments relating to a marine incident.2024/14098
13/12/202423/12/2024LakarmaDocuments relating to a marine incident.2024/13896
23/12/202423/12/2024WOW FactorDocuments relating to a marine incident.2024/14481
11/10/20246/11/2024The Northern EndeavourRequest for the Survey reports of the ship2024/10557
14/10/20246/11/2024EuphoriaAll records relating to any reserve buoyancy calculations, AMSA 538 stability reports, incline experiments, design loading documents and plans for pontoons and chassis in relation to the vessel2024/10864
21/10/20246/11/2024HL Eco Collision with Y M SerenityAll reports including draft reports in respect of the investigation by or on behalf of the Australian Maritime Safety Authority into or concerning a collision between the vessels "HL Eco" and "YM Serenity”2024/11032
23/10/20246/11/2024The Northern EndeavourRequest for correspondence relating to the towing of the ship2024/11001
24/10/20246/11/2024RSV NuyinaRequest for the incident report relating to an electric shock incident on RSV Nuyina.2024/11537
30/10/20246/11/2024NooramungaRequest for the vessels most up to date Certificate of Survey2024/13953
04/11/20246/11/2024NooramungaRequest for the vessels most up to date Certificate of Operation.2024/14480
16/09/202408/10/2024Jet Ski SafarisCopies of the findings in relation to an incident2024/9756
08/10/202408/10/2024Thundercat 3Request for construction drawings, plans and surveys of the vessel2024/10678
08/10/202408/10/2024OdysseyRequest for the stability booklet of the vessel 2024/10751
02/09/202405/09/2024Coral GypsyRequest for the stability booklet of the vessel2024/10964
23/08/202427/08/2024Review of Marine Order 54Request for Report2024/9843
23/08/202427/08/2024Review of Marine order 54Request for Report2024/10475
15/07/202407/08/2024The Northern EndeavourAccess to information regarding the conditions of the ship2024/8834
15/07/202407/08/2024DensionRequest for most recent survey status of the vessel2024/7929
22/07/202407/08/2024Prime PollutionRequest for all documentation surrounding marine incident involving the vessel2024/7536
29/07/202407/08/2024SV DelaneyRequest for the incident report regarding this incident involving 3 vessels2024/8852
05/08/202407/08/2024Sealink Ferry involved in a collision in close proximity to Karragarra IslandAny investigative reports, including outcomes, findings and recommendations, final or otherwise.     2024/8188
2023–2024 financial year - Freedom of Information disclosure log
Disclosure dateDate information listed in disclosure logSummary of FOI request received by agency/ministerDescription of information released under this disclosure log (and whether released in full or part)Internal reference number
24/06/20244/07/2024Marine Incident reports for vessels between 1999-2023Request for Incident reports for: The Kalijah, The Galaxy, The Albatross, The Irene, Sandrine and Rosandra. 2024/8489
26/06/20244/07/2024Documentation regarding the vessel : Tere TikiRequest for Certificate of Survey and vessel plans for the vessel2024/7662
3/07/20244/07/2024Certification documents for TabbigiaiRequest for survey certificates for the tugboat2024/7134
27/06/20244/07/2024Groundings near Esperance and Israelite BayRequest for database including reported coordinates of the historical vessel groundings near Esperance and Israelite Bay, Western Australia2024/7016
17/06/202417/06/2024Personal injury to a person involving the vessel “ Insta-Gator”Request for Survey Plans of the vessel2024/6347
29/05/202417/06/2024Various documentation and correspondence involving the Vessel "Galaxy"Request for Documents, Drawings, Stability Books, Certificates of Operation, Certificates of Registration, Certificates of Survey, or Survey Reports for this vessel that may be held in the file archives of AMSA2024/6890
05/06/202413/06/2024NAVIOS GEM PACIFIC ASSURANCEAll documentation around the detention of the vessels2024/5557
08/04/202414/05/2024The Dali Container ShipAll memos, records and correspondence sent and/or received between March 26, 2024, and March 28, 2024, that relate to, the container ship Dali, Grace Ocean Private Ltd. and/or Synergy Marine Group 2024/5362
11/04/202414/05/2024Oil Spill ControlDocuments that provide the most up-to-date detail as to how much Corexit EC9527A and Ardrox 6120 are held by AMOSC and members/AMOSC Members or AMSA.2024/5045
20/04/202414/05/2024Vessel “PHOENIX” UVI:457572the most recent out of water survey (due 13/8/23) including AMSA Form 901 “survey report & recommendation”2024/5059
03/05/202414/05/2024Procurement for a desk booking app/platformInformation on the procurement, including the; brief, criteria, evaluation, total contract value and awarded entity of a Desk Booking App/Platform2024/5530
28/03/202419/04/2024Documents relating to exemption of crew on TSHD BRISBANE.Request for documents confirming the Port of Brisbane hold correct exemptions for crew/dredge master’s on the vessel TSHD Brisbane.2024/2305
27/03/202419/04/2024Documents in relation to the vessel Tom Tough.Request for Ship construction/ Build Certificate and Ships general arrangement for the vessel Tom Tough.2024/418
27/03/202419/04/2024Passenger ferries, restaurant boats and party boats operating on the Yarra River, Melbourne.Request for inspection and incident reports relating to ferries, party boats and moving restaurant boats operating on the Yarra River over a 12-month period.2024/1375
22/02/202419/04/2024Request for information relating to two incidents involving the vessel MV Spirit of Gold Coast.Documents containing information relating to the vessel.
Released in part.
HPRM 2024/1474
07/02/202423/02/2024Request building certificate and general arrangement for the vessel Tom Tough.Builder certificate.
Released in part.
HPRM 2024/418
01/02/202419/04/2024Documents relating to an incident involving the vessel Ron Jeffrey.Request for all incident reports submitted to AMSA in relation to the vessel Ron Jeffrey.2024/439
23/11/202306/12/2023Survey Reports (not including supporting documents or photos) for the following vessels:
MV Tea Gardens 431407
MV Jesse 423195
MV Wallamba 444142.
Survey Reports for the following vessels Tea Gardens, Jesse, Wallamba.
Released in Part.
HPRM 2023/12340
23/11/202306/12/2023The COO that includes the vessel Phoenix on it and any document/application which was submitted by the operator to AMSA to add to or vary and existing COO for the purpose of adding the vessel Phoenix to the COO.The Certificate of Operation and vary application for the vessel Phoenix.
Released in Part.
HPRM 2023/12014
22/11/202306/12/2023The stability reports for the vessel Sandy.Stability documents for the vessel Sandy.
Released in Part.
HPRM 2023/3559
21/11/202306/12/2023The investigation report prepared by AMSA following an incident involving the vessel Mustang Sally on 20 October 2023.The investigation report prepared by AMSA following an incident involving the vessel Mustang Sally on 20 October 2023.
Released in Part.
HPRM 2023/13220
12/11/202312/12/2023Current certificate of survey, documents/correspondence relating to submission of most recent AMSA form 901, documents/correspondence relating to any compliance issues for the subject vessel at date of loss and documents/correspondence relating to discrepancy between date of survey and submission of survey related to the vessel The Blue Room.Documents issued to vessel, certificate of survey and associated documents and email correspondence related to the vessel The Blue Room. Released in Part. HPRM 2023/12100
12/11/202312/12/2023The stability reports for the vessel Tere Tiki.The stability trim booklet for the vessel Tere Tiki. Released in Part.HPRM 2023/14809
19/10/202327/10/2023Vessel plans and stability book for the vessel Redraw.Vessel plans and stability book for the vessel Redraw.
Released in Part.
HPRM 2023/10818
19/10/202327/10/2023Vessel plans and drawings for the vessel Offshore Surveyor.Vessel plans and drawings for the vessel Offshore Surveyor.
Released in part.
HPRM 2023/10131
28/09/202305/10/2023An incident details report for an incident that occurred on 26 July 2023 involving the vessel Mistral.The incident details report for an incident that occurred on 26 July 2023 involving the vessel Mistral.
Released in part.
HPRM 2023/10813
28/09/202305/10/2023All documents relating to the diversion and salvage of the vessel Another Happy Day following the rescue of its crew on 16 December 2021, including all communications between AMSA and third parties, drift modelling and internal calculations, assessment and reporting, and internal email communications.Incident timeline, photos, drift modelling, task briefings and debriefs, incident details report, situation report and correspondence.
Released in part.
HPRM 2023/9367
26/09/202305/10/2023Any incident reports relating to the vessel MV Spinifex between 2009 and present.Incident reports relating to an incident that occurred on 9 January 2021 involving MV Spinifex.
Released in part.
HPRM 2023/9366
05/09/202306/09/2023Incident report in relation to an incident that occurred on 9 June 2022 onboard the vessel RT Eduard.Incident report in relation to an incident that occurred on 9 June 2022 onboard the vessel RT Eduard.
Released in part.
HPRM 2023/8923
21/07/202325/07/2023Copies of any immigration or entry permits, registration applications, berthing permits and a complete copy of all documents held by AMSA in relation to an incident that occurred on 9 August 2021 involving the vessel Formosabulk Clement.Copies of inspection and investigation reports, incident reports and any notices issued to the vessel Formosabulk Clement as a result of the incident that occurred on 9 August 2021.
Released in part.
HPRM 2023/5873
20/07/202320/07/2023All correspondence between AMSA and Synergy relevant to Synergy’s performance, including the ships listed below, for the period 1 November 2018 – 23 May 2023:
a) Good Horizon (IMO 9767089); 
b) Bulk Indonesia (IMO 9591571); 
c) Lady Wynn (IMO 9861794); and 
d) Bulk Denmark (IMO 9445772). 
Copies of correspondence and notices issued by AMSA to Synergy Ocean Maritime in relation to the performance of their fleet of vessels.
Released in part.
HPRM 2023/5818
05/07/202306 July 2023Communications between AMSA, the vessel owner and the Australian Antarctic Division in relation to an incident onboard MPV Everest on 5–6 April 2021.Incident timeline of all communications for the period 5-6 April 2021.
Released in part.
HPRM 2023/5284
05/07/202306 July 2023All AMSA sent or issued documents and notices related to inspections of the vessel Frontier Unity on 24 January 2023.All AMSA sent or issued documents and notices related to inspections of the vessel Frontier Unity on 24 January 2023.
Released in part.
HPRM 2023/5284
2022–2023 financial year - Freedom of Information disclosure log
Disclosure dateDate information listed in disclosure logSummary of FOI request received by agency/ministerDescription of information released under this disclosure log (and whether released in full or part) Internal reference number
27/06/202306 July 2023All documents relating to an incident involving a Ferry on 16 February 2023 at St Ignatius College Wharf Sydney.
All documents relating to an incident involving a the vessel Violet Mackenzie on 16 February 2023 at St Ignatius College Wharf Sydney.
Released in part.
HPRM 2023/4714
21/06/202322 June 2023A copy of AMSA’s investigation report in relation to a collision involving a recreational vessel and Bottlenose.
A copy of AMSA’s investigation report in relation to a collision involving a recreational vessel and Bottlenose.   
Released in part.
HPRM 2023/4343
16/06/202316 June 2023A copy of the investigation report relating to an incident involving the vessel Oryx that occurred on 2 March 2023.Investigation report released in part.HPRM 2023/5007
05/06/202308/06/2023Copy of AMSA’s FOI logs for the period 2013-2023.AMSA’s FOI logs for the period 2016 t0 2023. Released in part.HPRM 2023/5106
23/05/202326/05/2023The last survey report and certificate of survey for the vessel Surveyor II.The last survey report and certificate of survey for the vessel Surveyor II. Released in part.HPRM 2023/3558
23/05/202326/05/2023All documents relating to an incident that occured on 22/1/2022 involving the vessel Bounty Hunter.All documents relating to an incident that occured on 22/1/2022 involving the vessel Bounty Hunter. Released in part.HPRM 2023/3559
14/05/202315 May 2023Incident report and any other documentation relevant to the incident that occurred on 4 February 2023 involving the Ali B.Incident report in relation to an incident that occurred on 4 February 2023 onboard the Ali B.
Released in part.
HPRM 2023/4012
10/05/202311 May 2023Incident and investigation reports, inspection reports, incident timeline and correspondence between the vessel owner and AMSA in relation to an incident that occurred on 30 December 2022 onboard the Interlink Sagacity.Incident and Inspection reports in relation to an incident that occurred on 30 December 2022 onboard the Interlink Sagacity.HPRM 2023/3012
26/04/202327 April 2023All documents in relation to an incident involving the vessel Pia Rebecca on 21 January 2023.1. Certificates relating to the vessel Pia Rebecca
2. Copy of the incident report/s from 21 January 2023
3. Information from the vessels GPS plotter
Released in part.
HPRM 2023/2851
19/04/202319 April 2023All vessel plans and drawings for the vessel TSHD BrisbaneAll vessel plans and drawings for the vessel TSHD Brisbane.
Released in part.
HPRM 2023/3236
19/04/202319 April 2023All documents in relation to an incident involving the vessels Arnhem Constructor and Wild CardAMSA’s complete investigation file.
Released in part.
HPRM 2023/2320
12/04/202312 April 2023The floor plan/layout for the vessel River Truck II.The floor plan / layout for the vessel River Truck II.
Released in full.
HPRM 2023/3403
11/04/202311 April 2023The schematic drawings for the vessel Flat dog.The schematic drawings for the vessel Flat dog.
Released in part.
HPRM 2023/3459
20/03/202320 March 2023Copies of all survey reports, stability calculations, certificates of survey and drawings of the vessel Fatima (455712).Copies of all survey reports, stability calculations. certificates of survey and drawings of the vessel Fatima (455712).
Released in part.
HPRM 2023/645
07/02/20238 February 2023SMS application & all documents for Jet Ski Safaris and Explore Sydney Harbour, number of commercial vessel’s in Hawksbury, Sydney Harbour and Botany Bay.Certificate of Operation for Jet Ski Safaris, data extract of PWC operating in Hawkesbury, Sydney Harbour and Botany Bay.
Released in part.
HPRM 2022/12968
07/02/20238 February 2023All documents relating to an incident involving the vessel 100% Wild that occurred on 20 September 2022.Investigation and inspection reports, correspondence. Released in part.
Released in part.
HPRM 2022/13493
03/02/20236 February 2023A copy of the investigation report in relation to a collision incident involving the vessel Wildcard and Arnhem Constructor.Investigation report.
Released in part.
HPRM 2023/706
15/12/202215 December 2022Incident timeline, including facts about the search and rescue actions, confirmation of safety devices registered with AMSA and any details relating to a PLB, any findings from the manufacturers review of faulty PLB, details of when the operation was passed over to HMAS Brisbane, location of vessel and crew at the time of rescue and any reviews or actions taking place post incident in relation the capsizing of vessel Nexba.Incident timeline, confirmation of safety devices registered with AMSA and any details relating to a PLB, any findings from the manufacturers review of faulty PLB, location of vessel and crew at the time of rescue and any reviews taking place post incident in relation the capsizing of vessel.
Released in part.
HPRM 2022/11486
14/12/202214 December 2022Incident and investigation reports, inspection reports, incident timeline and correspondence between the vessel owner and AMSA in relation to an incident that occurred on 16/11/2022 onboard the ‘Margaret SW’ Incident and investigation reports, correspondence between the vessel owner and AMSA in relation to an incident that occurred on 16/11/2022 onboard the vessel Margaret SW
Released in part.
HPRM 2022/13081
9/12/202212 December 2022Vessel plans and stability booklets for the vessel Robert Lee Eagle.Vessel plans and stability booklets for the vessel Robert Lee Eagle.
Released in part.
HPRM 2022/13048
07/12/202208 December 2022Ship maintenance regime and all documents obtained by AMSA since 4 February 2022 in relation to an investigation involving the vessel Kalliroe.Ship maintenance regime, Ship manuals, Ship certificates obtained by AMSA during an investigation in relation to the vessel Kalliroe.
Released in part.
HPRM 2022/10800
24/11/202229 November 2022Vessel plans, drawings and stability booklet for the vessel Sentinel.Vessel plans, drawings and stability booklet for the sister ship to Sentinel.
Released in part.
HPRM 2022/12047
23/11/202224 November 2022IMO documents that have caused concern to the validity of seafarer documents issued by Honduras.Correspondence raised to the IMO regarding the validity of Honduras issued Certificates of Competency.
Released in part.
HPRM 2022/10137
01/11/202204 November 2022Incident and investigation reports, inspection reports, incident timeline and correspondence between the vessel owner and AMSA in relation to an incident that occurred on 28/01/2018 onboard the Asia Emerald III.Incident and investigation reports, inspection reports and correspondence between the vessel owner and AMSA in relation to an incident that occurred on 28/01/2018 onboard the Asia Emerald III.
Released in part.
HPRM 2022/10235
25/10/202201 November 2022Vessel plans and stability booklet for vessel SW Gill.Vessel plans and stability booklet for vessel SW Gill. Released in part.HPRM 2022/11208
25/10/202201 November 2022Incident reports, AMSA reports and documentation relating to the liability of the collision in relation to an incident involving the vessel Galaxy.Incident report and AMSA investigation report in relation to the incident involving vessel Galaxy.
Released in part.
HPRM 2022/10899
24/10/202225 October 2022Images and aerial footage of Cape York Peninsula in relation to a search and rescue event to locate two missing fisherman on 5 June 2003.ARC images in relation to a search and rescue event involving two missing fisherman on 5 June 2003.
Released in part.
HPRM 2022/10254
19/10/202219 October 2022Vessel plans & drawings for the vessel Delta 1.Vessel plans & drawings for the vessel Delta 1.
Released in part.
HPRM 2022/10140
14/10/202217 October 2022Beacon coordinates an incident involving the vessel D-Titan.Life raft beacon GPS coordinates for the vessel D-Titan.
Released in full.
HPRM 2022/10283
11/10/202212 October 2022Investigation report for an incident involving the vessel Ellie-K.Investigation report for an incident involving the vessel Ellie-K.
Released in part.
HPRM 2022/9975
19/09/202220 September 2022Incident and investigation reports, incident timeline, correspondence between AMSA and CSL Australia Pty Ltd in relation to an incident that occurred on 28/01/2022, vessel plans and drawings for the vessel Goliath.Incident and inspection reports, correspondence between AMSA and CSL Australia Pty Ltd in relation to an incident that occurred on 28/01/2022 involving the vessel Goliath.
Released in part.
HPRM 2022/6420
16/09/202220 September 2022All correspondence in relation to an incident involving Portland Bay during the period 4 – 6 July, copies of all directions and notices, list of AMSA names and positions on duty, telephone call records for the period of the incident.Incident timeline and attachments, AMSA staff involved in incident.
Released in part.
HPRM 2022/7505
13/09/202114 September 2022Vessel plans and drawings for StarfireVessel plans and drawings for Starfire.
Released in part.
HPRM 2022/9606
09/09/202114 September 2022Certificate of Operation for the vessel KurilpaCertificate of Operation for the vessel Kurilpa.
Released in full.
HPRM 2022/9131
31/08/202201 September 2022All documents related to the vessel Reel Addiction.Stability booklet & electrical drawings for the vessel Reel Addiction.Released in part.HPRM 2022/9183
26/08/202229 August 2022All documents related to an incident involving the vessel Kurilpa.Investigation file related to an incident involving Kurilpa.
Released in part.
HPRM 2022/2801
2021 – 2022 financial year Freedom of Information disclosure log
Disclosure dateDate information listed in disclosure logSummary of FOI request received by agency/ministerDescription of information released under this disclosure log (and whether released in full or part) Internal reference number
5/10/202110 August 2023Copies of inspection and investigation reports and reports prepared by AMSA in relation to an incident that occurred on 09 January 2020 involving the vessel Spinifex.

Copies of inspection and investigation reports and reports prepared by AMSA in relation to an incident that occurred on XX January 2020 involving the vessel Spinifex.

Released in part.

HPRM 2021/10476
20/07/202221 July 2022Vessel plans and drawings for the vessel Here Fishy Fishy.Vessel plans and drawings for the vessel Here Fishy Fishy. Released in part.HPRM 2022/7527
15/05/202217 June 2022All historical documents for the vessel Sun Goddess.Certificate of operation, incident report and an exemption for the vessel  Sun Goddess. Released in part.

HPRM 2022/4418


17/05/202217 May 2022Time stamps of communications in relation to an aircraft incident on 16 April 2022.Consolidated Incident timeline regarding an aircraft crash on 16 April 2022.   Released in full.HPRM 2022/4656
11/05/202212 May 2022All documents in relation to a marine safety concern submitted regarding the vessel Eildon Princess.  Incident and survey reports in relation the vessel Eildon Princess. Released in part.HPRM 2022/3782
05/05/202206 May 2022Ownership details for the fishing vessel Seaport.Bill of sale for the vessel Seaport. Released in part.HPRM 2022/4092
01/04/202211 April 2022Safety Management System for Dry Dock vessel.Safety Management System for Floating Dry Dock. Released in part.HPRM 2022/2539
23/03/202224 March 2022AMSA policy and decision making documents regarding instructions to permit grandfatheringRegulatory plan 2012, consultation feedback report, survey arrangement fact sheets. Released in full.HPRM 2022/2311
23/03/202224 March 2022AMSA decision making documents regarding introduction and use of AMSA 752 form.CEO memo, consultation feedback report, updates to lightship declaration form. Released in full.HPRM 2022/2327
08/03/202208 March 2022Documents regarding the vessel TerritorianIncident report and correspondence. Released in part.HPRM 2022/607
25/02/202228 February 2022Documents regarding the vessel SamuraiVessel plans and stability booklet. Released in part.HPRM 2022/2186
11/02/202215 February 2022Documents regarding the vessel NisiCertificate of Survey and associated documents. Released in part.HPRM 2021/14278
4/02/202208 February 2022Documents regarding the vessel Anaconda IIIVessel plans and drawings. Released in part.HPRM 2022/940
28/01/202228 January 2022Documents regarding the vessel Ocean ExporterVessel inspection and investigation reports in relation to a collision incident. Released in part.HPRM 2021/ 15239
28/01/202228 January 2022Documents regarding the vessel Jane VirgoVessel inspection and investigation reports in relation to a collision incident. Released in part.HPRM 2021/13563
21/01/202227 January 2022Data in relation to the number of licensed skippersData in relation to the number of engineering and deck certificates of competency issued in Australia. Released in full.HPRM 2021/16385
17/12/202117 December 2021Video footage regarding a rescue involving a recreational vessel and RTM TwarraAMSA rescue Challenger video footage regarding a rescue near Gladstone in October 2020.  Released in full.HPRM 2021/14878
16/12/202117 December 2021Documents regarding a hang glider incidentIncident report regarding hang- glider. Released in part.HPRM 2021/14504
4/11/202105 November 2021Documents regarding the vessel Blue Fisher.Certificate of Survey and Certificate of Operation. Released in part.HPRM 2021/11350
4/11/202105 November 2021Documents regarding the vessel MV Jannes.Incident and inspection report Released in part. HPRM 2021/11439
28/10/202129 October 2021Documents regarding the vessel Blue MovesVessel drawings. Released in part.HPRM 2021/12499
06/10/202108 October 2021Documents regarding the vessel Belo StarVessel inspection, incident and investigation reports in relation to an incident. Released in part.HPRM 2021/10475
28/09/202130 September 2021Documents regarding the vessel Challenger IIIVessel drawings and plans. Released in part.



08/09/202113 September 2021Documents regarding the vessel Nautilus AviationSurvey Certificate. Released in part.HPRM 2021/10243
27/08/202131/08/2021Documents regarding vessel KanpurVessel inspection and investigation reports in relation to an incident. Released in part. HPRM 2021/8050
18/08/202118/08/2021Data regarding capsizing of fishing vesselsNumber of trawlers reported to have capsized as a result of hook-ups. Released in full. HPRM 2021/9226
2020 – 2021 financial year Freedom of Information disclosure log
Disclosure dateDate information listed in disclosure logSummary of FOI request received by agency/ministerDescription of information released under this disclosure log (and whether released in full or part) Internal reference number
20/07/202120/07/2021Images of an aircraft landingImages of aircraft landing. Released in full. HPRM 2021/9020
28/06/202129/06/2021Documents regarding the vessel Arrow WeaverIncident report. Released in part.HPRM 2021/6428
16/06/202116/06/2021Documents regarding the vessel Reel TimeIncident and investigation report Released in part. HPRM 2021/6853
11/06/20218/06/2021 Documents regarding the vessel KalindsVessel stability booklet. Released in full.    HPRM 2021/7047
8/06/20218/06/2021Documents regarding the vessel AchieverVessel drawings and plans. Released in part.    HPRM 2021/6113
20/05/202121/05/2021Documents regarding the vessel Prospector Vessel drawings and plans. Released in part.HPRM 2021/5005
13/05/202117/05/2021Incident data13/05/2021    Data in relation to incidents that occurred in Tasmania. Released in full.HPRM 2021/4727
11/05/202111/05/2021Documents regarding the vessel Gulf Livestock 1Vessel inspection records. Released in Part.    HPRM 2021/3425
11/05/202111/05/2021Documents regarding the vessel CatalinaVessel records and notices.  Released in part.HPRM 2021/4213
4/05/20214/05/2021Data in relation to Certificate of CompetencyThe number of masters for near coastal certificatesHPRM 2021/4427
27/04/202128/04/2021Documents regarding the vessel Baru and GuyaDocuments and Correspondence in relation to the vessels. Released in part.HPRM 2021/5240
19/04/202119/04/2021Documents regarding the vessel Ashmore IIVessel drawings and plans. Released in part.HPRM 2021/3673
15/04/202116/04/2021Documents regarding the vessel Exmouth & Erna Oldendorff Incident and detention reports Released in part.HPRM 2021/2198
14/03/202114/04/2021Documents regarding the vessel KalliroeVessel registration certificate. Released in part.HPRM 2021/3598
13/04/202113/04/2021     Documents in relation to PGPA rule compliance Fraud Control and Anti-Corruption Plan and Fraud Risk Assessment. Released in part.HPRM 2021/3134
11/03/202112/03/2021Documents regarding the vessel Lazi OneVessel plans and drawings. Released in part.HPRM 2021/3022
11/03/202112/03/2021Documents regarding the vessel GaleforceVessel drawings. Released in full.HPRM 2021/3069
1/03/20213/02/2021Documents regarding the vessel PacemakerStability booklet and vessel plans. Released in part.HPRM 2021/2296
25/02/202125/02/2021Documents regarding the vessel GaleforceStability booklet and vessel plans. Released in part.HPRM 2021/2449
18/02/202118/02/2021Documents regarding the vessel South passageIncident and investigation reports. Released in part.HPRM 2021/1337
15/02/202116/02/2021Documents regarding the vessel RelentlessVessel records and certificates. Released in part.HPRM 2021/1481
15/02/202116/02/2021Documents regarding the vessel Sea SlugVessel reports, records and drawings. Released in part. HPRM 2020/12551
11/02/202112/02/2021    Documents regarding the vessel Northern EndeavourSurvey reports. Released in part.
HPRM 2020/12316
11/02/2021 12/02/2021 Documents regarding the vessel Barkly PearlIncident & inspection reports. Released in part.HPRM 2020/10711
10/01/2021  10/02/2021  Documents regarding WA maritime and aviation incidentsIncident data. Released in full.HPRM 2021/1617
27/01/202127/01/2021Documents regarding Caloundra Coast Guard. Incident report. Released in part.HPRM 2020/12344
22/01/202122/01/2021Documents regarding Rotor Tug Force.Investigation report. Released in part.HPRM 2020/11234
11/12/202022/12/2020Documents regarding MV Wakashio.Documents and correspondence in relation to the oil spill. Released in part.HPRM 2020/7526
10/12/202022/12/2020Documents regarding Kiel Express & OOCL Hong Kong.Incident reports and inspection report. Released in part.HPRM 2020/8449
10/12/202022/12/2020Documents regarding Brisbane City Cat.Breach report, Infringement Notice and CCTV footage. Released in part.HPRM 2020/8952
30/11/202022/12/2020Documents regarding Meridian.Vessel records. Released in full.HPRM 2020/8448
24/11/202022/12/2020Documents regarding Murray River Queen.Vessel records. Released in part.HPRM 2020/9539
23/11/202022/12/2020Documents regarding COVID-19 dataDetails of number of cargo ships arriving in Australia for a recent quarter. Released in full.HPRM 2020/9962
23/11/202022/12/2020Documents regarding Ocean FreedomIncident report. Released in part.HPRM 2020/8197
23/11/202022/12/2020Documents regarding Chasin TailCertificates of Operation. Released in part.HPRM 2020/9857
23/11/202022/12/2020Documents regarding Anniki.Vessel records. Released in full.HPRM 2020/9809
23/11/202022/12/2020Documents regarding Aqua Explorer.Incident reports, investigation report and presentation. Released in part.HPRM 2020/7150
29/10/202022/12/2020Data regarding SAR TaskingsHistorical data for helicopter taskings. Released in full.HPRM 2020/9539
14/09/202015/12//2020Documents regarding Careflight missionsDetails of missions provided to AMSA. Released in part.HPRM 2020/5511
24/09//202015/12/2020Data regarding SAR TaskingsHistorical data of SAR Taskings. Released in full.HPRM 2020/6967
29/09/202015/12/2020Pontoon IIVessel drawings. Released in full.HPRM 2020/7177
29/09/202015/12/2020Lady FraserVessel drawings. Released in part.HPRM 2020/7391
3/09/202015/12/2020Documents regarding Pelican 1Incident report. Released in part.HPRM 2020/4974
29/08/202015/12/2020Documents regarding Mermaid Supplier.Vessel drawings. Released in full.HPRM 2020/5648
29/08/202015/12/2020Documents regarding ANL Gippsland.Vessel records, incident report and notices. Released in part.HPRM 2020/5510
17/08/202015/12/2020Documents regarding ANL Gippsland.Vessel records, inspection reports and notices. Released in part.HPRM 2020/4089
2019 – 2020 financial year Freedom of Information disclosure log
Disclosure dateDate information listed in disclosure logSummary of FOI request received by agency/ministerDescription of information released under this disclosure log (and whether released in full or part) Internal reference number
9 June 202018 June 2020Documents regarding Profiler.Stability Assessment Report. Released in part.HPRM 2020/3669
5 June 202010 June 2020Documents regarding Hamilton Star.  Survey reports. Released in part.HPRM 2020/2680
4 June 202010 June 2020Information 406MHz beacons. Beacon registrations. Released in full.HPRM 2020/3657 
3 June 202010 June 2020Documents regarding Stella VII.Vessel records. Released in part. HPRM 2020/3420
26 May 202026 May 2020Documents regarding Nisi & Mischief 1Incident reports. Released in full.HPRM 2020/2840
19 May 2020    20 May 2020Documents regarding Missing LinkIncident reports. Released in part.HPRM 2020/2615
21 April 2020 5 May 2020Documents regarding Trekka 2. Incident report.  Released in part.HPRM 2020/2385
13 January 202022 January 2020Documents regarding Anne Marie V.Incident reports. Released in part.HPRM 2019/9687
8 January 202013 January 2020Documents regarding Riverside Resolute.Incident reports. Released in part.HPRM 2019/9722
12 November 201913 November 2019Documents regarding Sandfly.Incident report and related documents. Released in part.HPRM 2019/6806
25 Oct 201930 Oct 2019Documents regarding AMSA and Safework NSWMemorandum of Understanding. Released in part.HPRM 2019/8327
15 October 201915 October 2019Documents regarding ZigZagIncident report. Released in part.HPRM 2019/7932
4 October 20199 October 2019Documents regarding Emelie.Vessel records. Released in part.HPRM 2019/7822
1 October 20191 October 2019Documents regarding drift buoy data.CSV file for drift buoy coordinates. Released in full.HPRM 2019/7330
27 September 20191 October 2019Documents regarding YM EfficiencyVarious documents. Released in part.HPRM 2019/5670
10 September 201911 September 2019Documents regarding Storm Eagle Vessel records. Released in part.HPRM 2019/6248
6 September 201911 September 2019Documents regarding Anne Marie VIncident details. Released in part.HPRM 2019/6538
28 August 201911 September 2019Documents regarding PH354                                Incident details. Released in part.HPRM 2019/6353
27 August 201911 September 2019Documents regarding Grand EagleIncident details. Released in part.HPRM 2019/5425
21 August 201922 August 2019Documents regarding Diamantina IIIVessel records. Released in part.HPRM 2019/4974
20 August 201922 August 2019SAR ReportSAR Report. Released in part.HPRM 2019/6250
20 August 201922 August 2019Documents regarding ShokiVessel records. Released in full.HPRM 2019/5853
20 August 201922 August 2019Documents regarding Merumenai                             Vessel records. Released in full.HPRM 2019/5846
17 August 201922 August 2019Documents regarding Storm EagleVessel records. Released in part.HPRM 2019/5679
11 July 201912 July 2019Documents regarding CondorIncident report. Released in part.HPRM 2019/5157
11 July 201912 July 2019Documents regarding ThunderboltIncident report and related documents. Released in part.HPRM 2019/4744
9 July 201911 July 2019Documents regarding SL KullarooInvestigation report. Released in partHPRM 2019/3266
2018 – 2019 financial year
Disclosure dateDate information listed in disclosure logSummary of FOI request received by agency/ministerDescription of information released under this disclosure log (and whether released in full or part)    Internal reference number
3 June 201905 June 2019Documents regarding GurrguraIncident Investigation Report. Released in part.HPRM 2019/2904
2 May 201905 May 2019Documents regarding Tasmanian AchieverMinimum Safe Manning documents. Released in part.HPRM 2019/1821
2 May 201905 May 2019Documents regarding JPO VirgoDocuments in relation to a complaint. Released in part.HPRM 2019/1822
30 April 201905 May 2019Documents regarding Pacific AriaIncident report. Released in part.HPRM 2019/2253
26 March 201926 March 2019Documents regarding SAR data2017–2018 SAR taskings data around Geraldton and Kalgoorlie airportsHPRM 2019/2231
18 March 201920 March 2019Documents regarding Awassi ExpressInspection reportsHPRM 2019/645
22 February 201926 February 2019Documents regarding SEMAC-1Emails and AIS dataHPRM 2019/777
4 February 20196 February 2019Documents regarding Indian JewelIncident reportHPRM 2019/480
1 February 20194 February 2019Documents regarding YM EfficiencyContents of shipping containersHPRM 2018/11282
31 January 201931 January 2019MH370 sitrep 16 and 17JRCC sitrepsHPRM 2019/420
10 January 201910 January 2019MH370 sitrep 14 and 15JRCC sitrepsHPRM 2019/194
4 December 20184 December 2018Documents regarding SandflyIncident report, timeline, position images and Exemption CertificateHPRM D18/325680
19 November 20184 December 2018Documents regarding Fugro EtiveLetters of AcceptanceHPRM  D18/315926
26 September 201827 September 2018Documents relating to helicopter rescue missions2015–2018 mission statistics Coffs Harbour regionHPRM D18/266083
26 September 201826 September 2018Documents regarding Inreach SOS activationIncident detailsHPRM D18/265860
2017 – 2018 financial year
Disclosure dateDate information listed in disclosure logSummary of FOI request received by agency/ministerDescription of information released under this disclosure log (and whether released in full or part)    Internal reference number
28 June 20186 July 2018Documents regarding ContractsCompilation of Contracts’ informationHPRM D18/4398
17 May 201817 May 2018Documents regarding Cygnet LassIncident AIS dataHPRM D18/143769
HPRM D18/143770
24 April 201827 April 2018Documents regarding MV OceanicProhibition and direction notice released in partHPRM D18/120618
5 Dec 20176 Dec 2017Documents regarding Akademik ShokalskiyJRCC messages and audio filesHPRM D17/260042
1 Dec 20171 Dec 2017Documents regarding Tokomaru BayNumerous. Forms 18 and 19 with associated correspondenceHPRM D17/257489
27 Oct 201716 Nov 2017Documents regarding Austral FisheriesVarious incident reports and associated emailsHPRM D17/235520
27 Oct 201710 Nov 2017Documents in relation to TSV compliance action of party boats and ferries on the Yarra RiverCompliance noticesHPRM D17/235520
10 Oct 201710 Nov 2017Documents relating to Awassi ExpressEmails in relation to an incidentHPRM D17/221568
21 Aug 201722 Aug 2017Documents regarding Spirit of 1770.Investigation report and court docsHPRM D17/188974
27 July 20172 Aug 2017Documents regarding Austral Fisheries.Various incident reports and associated emailsHPRM D17/171326
2016 – 2017 financial year
Disclosure dateDate information listed in disclosure logSummary of FOI request received by agency/ministerDescription of information released under this disclosure log (and whether released in full or part)    Internal reference number
21 Jun 201723 Jun 2017Documents regarding HMAS Maitland.Various imagesHPRM D17/141554
16 Jun 201716 Jun 2017Documents regarding vessel Akademik Shokalskiy.Various comms between the vessel and other entitiesHPRM 2017/1707
9 Jun 201716 Jun 2017Documents regarding vessel Ocean Garlic.Incident reportHPRM D17/131778
16 May 201718 May 2017Documents regarding the vessel Margarita.Investigation reportHPRM 2017/2220
21 Apr 201726 Apr 2017Documents regarding vessel Valiant II.Incident report (AMSA 18)HPRM D17/91298
7 Apr 20177 Apr 2017Documents regarding SAR tasking for 2016.Map and spread sheetHPRM 2017/1757
18 Dec 201622 Dec 2016Documents regarding Montara oil spill.Observation dataHPRM 2016/5883
15 Dec 201622 Dec 2016Documents regarding various FPSOs.Manning docsHPRM 2016/7157
13 Dec 201614 Dec 2016Documents regarding the Awassi Express.Investigation report and related docsTRIM 2016/5428
29 Nov 201630 Nov 2016Documents regarding the MH370.Sighting and hearing reportTRIM 2016/5334
24 Nov 201624 Nov 2016Documents regarding Gladstone tugboats.Various emails and investigation reportTRIM 2016/6055
25 Oct 201626 Oct 2016Documents regarding an incident in Port Botany.Inspection reportsTRIM 2016/5613 and 2016/5614
11 Oct 201612 Oct 2016Documents regarding the Port Bonython oil spill.Various reports, letters, and emailsTRIM 2016/4528
25 Aug 201626 Aug 2016Documents regarding the vessel Jakarta Express, CMA CGM Quartz, and CMA CGM Rossini.Cargo manifests  TRIM 2016/4582
8 Aug 201610 Aug 2016Documents regarding the vessel Jin Da Hai.Minor Incident ReportTRIM D16/235908
4 Aug 20169 Aug 2016Documents regarding certain FPSOs.Minimum Safe Manning DocumentsTRIM D16/233160
2015 – 2016 financial year
Disclosure dateDate information listed in disclosure logSummary of FOI request received by agency/ministerDescription of information released under this disclosure log (and whether released in full or part)    Internal reference number
12 Apr 201618 Apr 2016Documents relating to Cape Green and Point Perpendicular lighthouses.Maintenance documentsTRIM 2016/1078
11 Apr 201618 Apr 2016Documents regarding the vessel Ulusoy 12.Inspection documentsTRIM D16/95343
6 Apr 20167 Apr 2016Documents regarding the vessel Ulusoy 12.Inspection reportTRIM D16/94959
1 Mar 20162 Mar 2016Documents regarding the vessel Ping Shin 101.Incident details reportTRIM D16/58012
4 Feb 20164 Feb 2016Documents regarding the vessel Stevns Trader.Investigation reportTRIM D16/28320
3 Dec 20157 Dec 2015Documents regarding the GEMS drift modelling of MH370.Drift reportTRIM D15/396465
27 Aug 201527 Aug 2015Documents relating to the fishing vessel Tauronga.Incident Details ReportTRIM 2015/2967
2014 – 2015 financial year
Disclosure dateDate information listed in disclosure logSummary of FOI request received by agency/ministerDescription of information released under this disclosure log (and whether released in full or part)    Internal reference number
19 May 201520 May 2015Documents regarding communications between AMSA and vessel Thor Commander.Transcript of communicationsTRIM 2015/835
13 Mar 201513 Mar 2015Documents regarding damage to cargo aboard vessel CMACGM ONYX.Copy of incident alert, and report plus emails and photos, released in part.TRIM 2015/664
30 Oct 201410 Nov 2014Documents regarding the MOU between Australia and Indonesia concerning oil spills.Copy of MOU,  released in full.TRIM 2014/3316
29 Oct 201429 Oct 2014Documents regarding underwater noise.Communications between AMSA and other government agencies  relating to development of standards adopted by IMO, a related report presented to IMO/MEPC, and certain comments received in response to the draft North East Shipping Management Plan.TRIM 043681
29 Oct 201429 Oct 2014Documents regarding the vessel Sirocco of Oz.Incident details report, released in full.TRIM 2014/3767
28 Aug 201429 Aug 2014Documents regarding the Montara oil spill.Extracts of chart information and plotting data, released in full.TRIM 043672
23 Jul 201424 Jul 2014Documents regarding the most recent senate estimate briefings containing the words 'Operation Sovereign Borders' or 'OSB'.Two (2) senate estimate briefs from AMSA as per request, released in full.TRIM 043680
2013 – 2014 financial year
Disclosure dateDate information listed in disclosure logSummary of FOI request received by agency/ministerDescription of information released under this disclosure log (and whether released in full or part)    Internal reference number
15 May 201416 May 2014Documents regarding inspections, detentions and incident notifications from 1 Jan 2010 to 13 March 2014 and regarding fatalities related to MV Sage Sagittarius between 1 Aug 2012 to 31 Oct 2012.Surveyor’s inspection report after fatality aboard, search report after reported man overboard incident, and various PSC inspection reports. Released with personal information redacted.TRIM 043623
28 Apr 201428 Apr 2014Documents regarding Minimum Safe Manning of various vessels.Minimum Safe Manning documents for 5 vessels. Released in full.TRIM 043629
26 Feb 201427 Feb 2014Documents regarding inspection of vessel Ocean Emperor subsequent to engine failure in July 2010.Inspection reports and emails. Partially redacted.TRIM 043521
12 Sep 201312 Sep 2013Documents relating to SAR incident 12-15 July 2013.Records of communications between AMSA and AFP related to incident, partially redactedTRIM 043323
9 Aug 20139 Aug 2013Documents relating to SAR incident 2013/3877.Synopsis of Incident Report, released in full.TRIM 043320
22 Jul 201330 Jul 2013Documents relating to SAR incident 2013/3821.Timeline of RCC events surrounding the incident, released in full.TRIM 043286
12 Jul 201318 Jul 2013Documents in connection with the AMSA letter dated 19 May 2013 addressed to AIMPE.Electronic copy of the letter to AIMPE, its properties and emails in relation to the correspondence. Released in full.TRIM 043291
17 Jul 201318 Jul 2013Documents relating to SAR incident in June 2013.Compilation map showing the incident locations. Released in full.TRIM 043292 
2 Jul 20132 Jul 2013Documents regarding SAR activations 500nm from Darwin for the period 1 May 2012–30 April 2013.Compilation map showing the incident locations for the stipulated time period. Released in full.TRIM 043257
2012 – 2013 financial year
Disclosure dateDate information listed in disclosure logSummary of FOI request received by agency/ministerDescription of information released under this disclosure log (and whether released in full or part)    Internal reference number
2 Jun 201312 Jun 2013Documents relating to SIEV 221.Incident reports. Released in part.TRIM 043016
29 Apr 201330 Apr 2013Documents relating to Safe Manning of vessel CSL Whyalla.Minimum Safe Manning Document for CSL WhyallaTRIM 043006
22 Apr 201330 Apr 2013Documents relating to expenditure on private aircraft for search and rescue purposes.Documents relating to expenditure on private aircraft for search and rescue purposes. Documents partially redacted.TRIM 042950
6 Dec 20126 Dec 2012Minimum Safe Manning Documents.MSMDs for identified vessels subject to Part II of the Navigation Act 1912.TRIM 042853
23 Oct 201226 Oct 2012Documents relating to detention of vessel Vigsnes in September 2010.Inspection reports, images and email communications concerning detention, repairs and release of vessel. Released in part.TRIM 042669
11 Oct 201217 Oct 2012Documents relating to incidents involving bulk carriers off the Queensland coastCompilation document containing data on bulk carrier incidents off QLD coastline. Released in full.TRIM 042742
26 Sep 20122 Oct 2012Documents relating to the detention of the vessel GL Lan Xiu in Brisbane on 23 December 2011.Detention reports, PSC documents, detention notification.TRIM 042693
9 Aug 201210 Aug 2012Documents relating to incident between vessels Furness Melbourne and Riga II.Audio files of AMSA communications with Furness MelbourneTRIM 042594
1 Aug 20121 Aug 2012Documents relating to investigation of an accident aboard the vessel Cos Knight in April 2010.Incident alert, incident report, Surveyor's report of investigation, and MOU with Workcover NSW. Released in partTRIM 042592
20 Jul 201223 Jul 2012Documents relating to rescue of occupant of sinking vessel Xyris.Incident details report. Released in part.TRIM 042610
8 Jul 201223 Jul 2012Documents relating to rescue of occupants of vessel Mehitabel.Incident details report. Released in full.TRIM 042556
2011 – 2012 financial year
Disclosure dateDate information listed in disclosure logSummary of FOI request received by agency/ministerDescription of information released under this disclosure log (and whether released in full or part)    Internal reference number
20 Jun 201221 Jun 2012Documents relating to commercial submissions to public consultation on Marine Order 3.All commercial submissions not deemed confidential. Released in part.TRIM 042471
18 May 201221 May 2012Documents relating to SAR responses on 8 and 12 April 2012.Incident detail reports and timelines for SAR responses occurring on 8 and 12 April 2012. Released in part.TRIM 042452
4 Mar 201210 May 2012Documents relating to various issues concerning the development of Marine Order Part 3, and related issues.Emails, meeting minutes, reports and correspondence. Released in part.TRIM 042343
26 Apr 20121 May 2012Certain documents relating to the vessel Rena.PSC and survey inspection details. Released in part.TRIM 042449
19 Apr 201219 Apr 2012Information concerning mooring line incidents at Queensland coal terminals.Compilation document containing data on mooring line incidents at QLD coal terminals. Released in full.TRIM 042448
7 Feb 20127 Feb 2012Documents relating to accommodation and crew qualifications - Cape Class Vessels.Correspondence and meeting minutes relating to potential accommodation, MO 14 and MO 11 issues and potential crew qualifications for Cape Class Vessels. Partially Redacted.TRIM 042238
19 Dec 201121 Dec 2011Documents regarding SAR activations in Victoria in the last five years.Table of two columns outlining number of activations per year for the last five years. Released in full.TRIM D11/222740
9 Dec 201113 Dec 2011Documents regarding PSC inspections and deficiencies of vessel Kimberly Queen.Documents regarding PSC inspections and deficiencies of vessel Kimberly Queen. Partially redacted.TRIM 042201
1 Dec 20112 Dec 2011Documents regarding PSC inspections on the vessel Rena.Documents relating to PSC inspections conducted on the vessel Rena on 21/7/2011 and 22/9/2011. Partially redacted.TRIM D11/206988
28 Nov 201128 Nov 2011Documents regarding PSC inspections on the vessel Rena.Documents relating to PSC inspections conducted on the vessel Rena on 21/7/2011 and 22/9/2011. Partially redacted.TRIM D11/204517
27 Oct 201128 Oct 2011Documents regarding Indonesian SAR October 2009.Various comms traffic records concerning the incident. Released in full.TRIM 042118
2010 – 2011 financial year
Disclosure dateDate information listed in disclosure logSummary of FOI request received by agency/ministerDescription of information released under this disclosure log (and whether released in full or part)    Internal reference number
1 Jun 20111 Jun 2011Documents regarding incident on vessel Voge Paul around 11 June 2008.AMSA incident alert (form MO 31/14) and incident report (MO 31/15) regarding Voge Paul. Partially redacted.TRIM 041875
Last updated: 4 March 2025