Marine order changes

This page contains a list of past changes to Marine Orders and International Maritime Organization (IMO) resolutions.

The following Marine Orders and IMO resolutions have been adopted and have taken effect in the year specified.

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Marine Orders affected by regulatory change in 2024/25

Please see the completed Annual Regulatory Program 2024-25

Marine Orders affected by regulatory change in 2023/24

Please see the completed Annual Regulatory program 2023/24

Marine Orders affected by regulatory change in 2022/23

Please see the completed Annual Regulatory program 2022/23

Marine Orders affected by regulatory change in 2021/22

Please see the completed Annual Regulatory program 2021/22

Marine orders affected by regulatory change in 2020

Marine order


Start date

Marine Order 12 (Construction — subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations) 2016Amended as a consequence of the amendment of Marine Order 21, and of the amendment of Marine Order 471 January 2020
Marine Order 21 (Safety and emergency arrangements) 2016

Amended to give effect to IMO Resolution MSC.421(98), which introduces a new SOLAS regulation Chapter II-1/19-1 (new procedures for the “Damage control drill for passenger ships”.

A consequential amendment to Marine Order 12 is made to exclude the new SOLAS regulation Chapter II-1/ 19-1 from Marine Order 12.

1 January 2020
Marine Order 27 (Safety of navigation and radio equipment) 2016Amended to give effect to resolution MSC.436(99) which recognises mobile satellite services within the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) by providers additional to Inmarsat plc. It is expected that Iridium GMDSS, and Maritime Safety Information (MSI) services will become available in NAVAREA X, the geographical sea area for which Australia co-ordinates the broadcast of navigational warnings, with full operating capability within the next three years.1 January 2020
Marine Order 47 (Offshore industry units) 2019The amendment makes changes relating to the criteria for revoking a MODU safety certificate; the storage of gas cylinders; and the arrangements for the safe transfer of personnel. It also makes changes in relation to the requirement for compliance with Chapter 14 of the Code for the construction and equipment of mobile offshore drilling units, 2009 (the 2009 MODU Code) and the requirement for familiarisation, training and certification of personnel aboard offshore industry units under tow.1 July 2020
Marine Order 58 (Safe management of vessels) 2015Reissued to give effect to Chapter IX of SOLAS, which requires compliance with ISM code. The issuing of a Safety Management Certificate (SMC), Document of Compliance (DoC) and Interim Document of Compliance Certificate (IDoC) are essential vessel safety features of the International Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention (ISM Code) established under the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Convention 1974.1 July 2020
Marine Order 63 (Vessel reporting systems) 2019Reissued to give effect to resolution MSC.436(99) which recognises mobile satellite services within the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) by providers additional to Inmarsat plc. In addition the new Order renames the Pre-Entry Report as the Entry Report, with consequential amendments throughout the Order; removes obsolete mandatory reporting points throughout the REEFREP system; and mandates automatic position reporting by AIS.   1 January 2020
Marine Order 97 (Marine pollution prevention — air pollution) 2013.Amended in accordance with changes made to the Pollution Prevention Act for enforcing the use and carriage on board a vessel of fuel with a sulphur content lower than previous limits. This addresses Australia’s international treaty obligation giving effect to MARPOL Annex VI amendments prescribed by IMO resolution MEPC.305(73). The amended MO97 removes outdated sulphur fuel oil limits, and prescribes matters in relation to the use of exhaust gas cleaning systems or other technological methods which can be used under the Pollution Prevention Act. It also prescribes emission levels for sulphur oxides and prescribes matters for the Pollution Prevention Act about compulsory reporting of the non-availability of low sulphur fuel oil. The Order also clarifies that all vessels must comply with Annex VI of MARPOL and makes provision for the Register of Local Suppliers of Fuel Oil. 1 March 2020
Marine Order 504 (Certificates of operation and operation requirements - national law) 2018Amendment to strengthen and clarify the requirements for monitoring and counting passengers and for managing situations where a passenger is unaccounted for.31 May 2020
Marine orders affected by regulatory change in 2019

Marine order


Start date

Marine Order 1 (Administration) 2013Consequential change(s) due to the amendment of Marine Order 47.1 November 2019
Marine Order 11 (Living and working conditions on vessels) 2015Amended to give effect to the 2016 amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention 2006. The change extends the duration period of an expiring maritime labour certificate when a new replacement certificate cannot be issued and placed on board before expiry. Other amendments are minor, clarifying and eliminating unintended errors in the text. 8 January 2019
Marine Order 12 (Construction — subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations) 2016Amended as a consequence of the amendment of Marine Order 21, and of the amendment of Marine Order 47.1 January 2020
Marine Order 15 (Construction — fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction) 2014Consequential change(s) due to the amendment of Marine Order 47.1 November 2019
Marine Order 16 (Load Lines) 2014Consequential change(s) due to the reissue of Marine Order 31.1 November 2019
Marine Order 21 (Safety and emergency arrangements) 2016Amended to give effect to IMO Resolution MSC.421(98), which introduces a new SOLAS regulation Chapter II-1/19-1 (new procedures for the “Damage control drill for passenger ships”. A consequential amendment to Marine Order 12 is made to exclude the new SOLAS regulation Chapter II-1/ 19-1 from Marine Order 12.  1 January 2020
Marine Order 27 (Safety of navigation and radio equipment) 2016Amended to give effect to resolution MSC.436(99) which recognises mobile satellite services within the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) by providers additional to Inmarsat plc. It is expected that Iridium GMDSS, and Maritime Safety Information (MSI) services will become available in NAVAREA X, the geographical sea area for which Australia co-ordinates the broadcast of navigational warnings, with full operating capability within the next three years.1 January 2020
Marine Order 31 (SOLAS and non-SOLAS certification) 2019The reissued MO31 ensures requirements for government vessels and non-government RAVs are fully aligned; and with all requirements of MO 62 either relocated to MO 31 or covered by various Marine Orders, MO 62 has been repealed. The reissued Order uniformly applies the Survey Guidelines under the Harmonised System of Survey and Certification (HSSC Guidelines) to survey and inspection for both SOLAS and non-SOLAS certification. It also removes onerous survey and certification requirements for smaller vessels, by extending the 7-metre threshold to 10 metres for these vessels. Survey and certification requirements for nuclear powered vessels are now detailed with greater clarity in accordance with SOLAS.1 November 2019
Marine Order 43 (Cargo and cargo handling — livestock) 2018Consequential change(s) due to the reissue of Marine Order 31.1 November 2019
Marine Order 44 (Safe containers) 2019The reissued Marine Order 44 is in the modern drafting style, including replacement of terms, officer positions and ‘surveyor’ with the term ‘AMSA’. Different forms of words have been used but the ideas have not changed. The forms, removed from the schedules of the Marine Order, are now referred to as approved forms available on the AMSA website (see below). The new MO44 gives effect to the Container Convention and makes provision for offshore containers. 1 July 2019
Marine Order 47 (Offshore industry units) 2019Major review of Marine Order 47 (MODUs), and Marine Order 60 (Floating offshore facilities) addresses uncertainty for operators surrounding the survey and certification requirements for both disconnectable and permanently moored vessels. The reissued Marine Order 47 merges MOs 47 and 60, addressing the operational similarities between Mobile Offshore Drilling Units (MODUs) and other vessels used in the petroleum industry. The new MO47 takes into account new technologies and makes provision for both disconnectable and permanently moored offshore industry vessels, and ensures that regulated Australian vessels are covered in all waters, even when operating overseas. Marine Order 60 has been repealed.1 November 2019
Marine Order 52 (Yachts and training vessels) 2016Consequential change(s) due to the reissue of Marine Order 31.1 November 2019
Marine Order 57 (Helicopter operations) 2016Consequential change(s) due to the reissue of Marine Order 31.1 November 2019
Marine Order 58 (Safe management of vessels) 2015Consequential change(s) due to the reissue of Marine Order 31.1 November 2019
Marine Order 60 (Floating offshore facilities) 2001Repealed as a consequence of the reissue of Marine Order 47.1 November 2019
Marine Order 62 (Government vessels) 2003Repealed as a consequence of the reissue of Marine Order 31.1 November 2019
Marine Order 63 (Vessel reporting systems) 2019.Reissued to give effect to resolution MSC.436(99) which recognises mobile satellite services within the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) by providers additional to Inmarsat plc. In addition the new Order renames the Pre-Entry Report as the Entry Report, with consequential amendments throughout the Order; removes obsolete mandatory reporting points throughout the REEFREP system; and mandates automatic position reporting by AIS.   1 January 2020
Marine Order 97 (Marine pollution prevention — air pollution) 2013.Amended in accordance with changes made to the Pollution Prevention Act for enforcing the use and carriage on board a vessel of fuel with a sulphur content lower than previous limits. This addresses Australia’s international treaty obligation giving effect to MARPOL Annex VI amendments prescribed by IMO resolution MEPC.305(73). The amended MO97 removes outdated sulphur fuel oil limits, and prescribes matters in relation to the use of exhaust gas cleaning systems or other technological methods which can be used under the Pollution Prevention Act. It also prescribes emission levels for sulphur oxides and prescribes matters for the Pollution Prevention Act about compulsory reporting of the non-availability of low sulphur fuel oil. The Order also clarifies that all vessels must comply with Annex VI of MARPOL and makes provision for the Register of Local Suppliers of Fuel Oil. Sections 1 to 3 - the day that this Marine Order is made; and the schedules - when the Protection of the Sea (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Amendment (Low Sulphur Fuel) Act 2019 commences.
IMO Resolutions that entered into force in 2024
ResolutionRelevant Convention/codeDescriptionEnter Into Force
MSC.548(107)Diving CodeThis resolution adopts the voluntary International Code of Safety for Diving Operations, 2023 (2023 Diving Code). The 2023 Diving Code has been developed to provide an international standard of safety for diving units, the application of which will result in a level of safety for a diving operation on a diving platform equivalent to that required by the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS). Australia mandates application of the Diving Code and are given effect through Marine order 47 (Offshore Industry Units) 2016 (MO47) and Marine Order 31 (SOLAS and non-SOLAS certification) 2019 (MO31).1/01/2024
MSC.547(107)MODUThe amendments to the 2009 MODU Code deal with Chapter 2 - Construction, Strength and Materials. The amendments address 'Materials' and require units to be constructed from steel or other suitable materials acceptable to the Administration, taking into account temperature extremes. Marine Order 47 (Offshore Industry Units) 2016 (MO47) gives effect to the MODU Code, as in force from time to time.1/01/2024
MSC.546(107)MODUThe amendments to the 1989 MODU Code deal with Chapter 2 - Construction, Strength and Materials. The amendments address 'Materials' and require units to be constructed from steel or other suitable materials acceptable to the Administration. The amendments also prohibit installation of materials that contain asbestos. Marine Order 47 (Offshore Industry Units) 2016 (MO47) gives effect to the MODU Code, as in force from time to time.1/01/2024
MSC.545(107)MODUThe amendments to the 1979 MODU Code deal with Chapter 2 - Construction, Strength and Materials. The amendments address 'Materials' and require units to be constructed from steel or other suitable materials acceptable to the Administration. The amendments also prohibit installation of materials that contain asbestos. Marine Order 47 (Offshore Industry Units) 2016 (MO47) gives effect to the MODU Code, as in force from time to time.1/01/2024
MSC.527(106)IP CodeResolution MSC.527(106) provides a new code called International Code of Safety for Ships Carrying Industrial Personnel (IP Code) which has been made mandatory by new SOLAS chapter XV (MSC.521(106)). AMSA developed a new Marine Order, Marine Order 55 (Vessels carrying industrial personnel) 2024 (MO55) to give effect to the IP Code.1/07/2024
MSC.526(106)IBCThe amendments to MSC.526(106) are given effect in Marine Order 17 (Liquefied gas carriers and chemical tankers) 2016 (MO17), which gives effect to the IBC Code, as in force from time to time.1/07/2024
MSC.525(106)ESP, ESPThe ESP Code is made mandatory through Chapter XI-1 of SOLAS which are given effect in Marine Order 18 (Measures to enhance maritime safety) 2012 (MO18), which gives effect to the ESP Code, as in force from time to time.1/07/2024
MSC.521(106)SOLAS Chapter XVThe resolution MSC.521(106) amends SOLAS adding a new Chapter XV on Safety Measures for Ship Carrying Industrial Personnel. AMSA developed a new Marine Order, Marine Order 55 (Vessels carrying industrial personnel) 2024 (MO55) to give effect to the SOLAS Chapter XV.1/07/2024
MSC.517(105)GMDSSThe resolution MSC.517(105) is an extensive update introducing a number of requirements for ICS installed on or after 1 January 2024. These changes reflect the amendments adopted by resolution MSC.496(105), under Regulation 14 of SOLAS Chapter IV, which is given effect through Marine Order 27 (Safety of navigation and radio equipment) 2023 (MO27).1/01/2024
MSC.516(105)GMDSSThe resolution MSC.516(105) amends MSC.80(70) to update references to the amended performance standards for survival craft portable two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus contained in MSC.515(105) and reference to volume III, part II, chapter 2 of annex 10 to the ICAO Convention. These changes reflect the amendments adopted by resolution MSC.496(105), which is given effect through Marine Order 27 (Safety of navigation and radio equipment) 2023 (MO27).1/01/2024
MSC.515(105)GMDSSThe resolution MSC.515(105) is an editorial amendment to the Annex of MSC.149(77) except for additional amendments to section 13 on labelling and marking on recording of the expiry date of the battery in accordance with IEC 60945. These changes reflect the amendments adopted by resolution MSC.496(105), under Regulation 14.5 of SOLAS Chapter IV, which is given effect through Marine Order 27 (Safety of navigation and radio equipment) 2023 (MO27).1/01/2024
MSC.513(105)GMDSSThe resolution MSC.513(105) adopts revised performance standards for Inmarsat-C ship earth stations if installed on or after 1 January 2024. These changes reflect the amendments adopted by resolution MSC.496(105), which is given effect through Marine Order 27 (Safety of navigation and radio equipment) 2023 (MO27).1/01/2024
MSC.512(105)GMDSSThe resolution MSC.512(105) merges the requirements in resolutions A.804(19) and A.806(19) into a single MF/HF performance standard for voice, DSC, MSI and SAR-related information. These changes reflect the amendments adopted by resolution MSC.496(105), under Regulation 14 of SOLAS Chapter IV, which is given effect through Marine Order 27 (Safety of navigation and radio equipment) 2023 (MO27).1/01/2024
MSC.511(105)GMDSSThe resolution MSC.511(105) adopts the performance standards for Shipborne VHF radio installations capable of voice communication and digital selective which will form part of the GMDSS, if installed on or after 1 January 2024.These changes reflect the amendments adopted by resolution MSC.496(105), under Regulation 14 of SOLAS Chapter IV, which is given effect through Marine Order 27 (Safety of navigation and radio equipment) 2023 (MO27).1/01/2024
MSC.510(105)SARTThe resolution MSC.510(105) adopts a new performance standard. Note that provisions related to radar SART (formerly known as search and rescue locating devices) in regulation 6 of Chapter III of SOLAS have been transferred into Regulation 7 of Chapter IV of SOLAS. These changes reflect the amendments adopted by resolution MSC.496(105), which is given effect through Marine Order 27 (Safety of navigation and radio equipment) 2023 (MO27).1/01/2024
MSC.508(105)NAVTEXThe resolution MSC.508(105) adopts a new performance standard and merges together the MF (resolution MSC.430(98) amending MSC.148(77)) NAVTEX and HF (A.700(17)) narrow band direct printing (NBDP) requirements into a single resolution. These changes reflect the amendments adopted by resolution MSC.496(105), under Regulation 14 of SOLAS Chapter IV, which is given effect through Marine Order 27 (Safety of navigation and radio equipment) 2023 (MO27).1/01/2024
MSC.506(105)MODUThis resolution amends Chapter 10 (Life-saving appliances and equipment) and Chapter 11 (Radiocommunication Installations) of the 2009 Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (2009 MODU) Code. The amendments to MSC.506(105) are given effect in Marine Order 47 (Offshore industry units) 2019 (MO47), which gives effect to the MODU Code, as in force from time to time.1/01/2024
MSC.505(105)MODUThis resolution amends Chapter 10 (Life-saving appliances and equipment) and Chapter 11 (Radiocommunication Installations) of the 2009 Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (2009 MODU) Code. The amendments to MSC.506(105) are given effect in Marine Order 47 (Offshore industry units) 2019 (MO47), which gives effect to the MODU Code, as in force from time to time.1/01/2024
MSC.504(105)MODUThis resolution amends Chapter 10 (Life-saving appliances and equipment) and Chapter 11 (Radiocommunication Installations) of the 2009 Mobile Offshore Drilling Unit (2009 MODU) Code. The amendments to MSC.506(105) are given effect in Marine Order 47 (Offshore industry units) 2019 (MO47), which gives effect to the MODU Code, as in force from time to time.1/01/2024
MSC.503(105)SPSThis resolution updates Form of Safety Certificate for Special Purpose Ships including the associated record of equipment as a consequential amendment to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships, 2008 (the 2008 SPS Code) arising from revised chapter IV of SOLAS adopted by resolution MSC.496(105). The amendments to MSC.503(105) are given effect in Marine Order 50 (special purpose vessels) MO50, which gives effect to the SPS Code, as in force from time to time.1/01/2024
MSC.502(105)SPSThis resolution updates Form of Safety Certificate for Special Purpose Ships including the associated record of equipment as a consequential amendment to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships, 1983 (the 1983 SPS Code) arising from revised chapter IV of SOLAS adopted by resolution MSC.496(105). The amendments to MSC.503(105) are given effect in Marine Order 50 (special purpose vessels) MO50, which gives effect to the SPS Code, as in force from time to time.1/01/2024
MSC.501(105)IMDGThe amendments to MSC.501(105) are given effect in Marine Order 41 (Carriage of dangerous goods) 2017 (MO41), which gives effect to the IMDG Code, as in force from time to time.1/01/2024
MSC.499(105)HSCThe resolution MSC.499(105) amends chapter 14 of the 2000 HSC Code by replicating the revised chapter IV of SOLAS adopted by resolution MSC.496(105). Marine Order 49 (high speed craft( (MO49) gives effect to the HSC Code, as in force from time to time.1/01/2024
MSC.498(105)HSCThe resolution MSC.498(105) amends chapter 14 of the 1998 HSC Code by replicating with chapter 14 of the 2000 HSC Code as amended by MSC.499(105). Marine Order 49 (high speed craft( (MO49) gives effect to the HSC Code, as in force from time to time.1/01/2024
MSC.496(105)SOLAS Chapter IVThe resolution MSC.496(105) is a complete re-write of Chapter IV of SOLAS and the shift of Chapter II to IV. Chapter IV of SOLAS is given effect through Marine Order 27 (Safety of navigation and radio equipment) 2023 (MO27).1/01/2024
MSC.491(104)Load LinesThe resolution MSC.491(104) amends the Load Line convention allows hinged watertight doors to be installed on watertight bulkheads of cargo ships under the freeboard deck under specified conditions. Load Line Convention is given effect through Marine Order 16 (load lines) (MO16).1/01/2024
MSC.484(103)FSSThe resolution MSC.484(103) updates Chapter 9 of the International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS) Code. Marine Order 15 (Construction—fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction) 2014 (MO15) gives effect to the FSS Code, as in force from time to time.1/01/2024
MSC.482(103)SOLAS Chapter II-1, SOLAS Chapter IIIThe resolution MSC.482(103) amends SOLAS Chapter II-1 and Chapter III. The amendments for Chapter II-1 require fitting of water level detectors in cargo holds of multiple hold cargo ships other than bulk carriers and tankers. The amendments for Chapter III, adds the words "davit launched" to specify the type of lifeboats on which the regulation applies. Marine Order 12 (Construction—subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations) 2023 (MO12) gives effect to SOLAS Chapter II-1. Marine Order 25 (Equipment—lifesaving) 2014 (MO25) gives effect to SOLAS Chapter III.1/01/2024
MSC.480(102)QZSSResolution MSC.480(102) adopts new performance standards for shipborne Japanese Quasi-Zenith Satellite System (QZSS) receiver equipment. Compatible with the Global Positioning System (GPS), the QZSS is recognised as a future component of the Worldwide Radionavigation System (WWRNS) and therefore, the performance standards have been developed in accordance with resolutions A.1046(27) – Worldwide Radionavigation System and A.915(22) – Revised maritime policy and requirements for a future global navigation satellite system (GNSS). The performance standards are given effect in Marine Order 27 (Safety of navigation and radio equipment) 2023 (MO27).1/01/2024
MSC.476(102)IGCThe resolution MSC.476(102) amends SOLAS Chapter VII, Part C, dealing with the certification of vessels carrying dangerous liquid chemicals and liquefied gases in bulk as evidence of survey. Marine Order 17 (Chemical tankers and gas carriers) 2016 (MO17) gives effect to Part C of Chapter VII of SOLAS, as in force from time to time.1/01/2024
MSC.475(102)IGF CodeThe resolution MSC.475(102) amends SOLAS Chapter II-1, Part G, minimum flashpoint permitted for oil fuels. Marine Order 12  (Construction—subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations) 2023 (MO12) gives effect to Part G of Chapter II-1 of SOLAS.1/01/2024
MSC.474(102)SOLAS Chapter II-1Annex to the resolution MSC.474(102) amends SOLAS Chapter II-1, introducing new requirements including the requirements for ships to have ship specific towing and mooring arrangement plans which must be kept on board for masters’ guidance.
Marine Order 12 (Construction - subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations) 2023 (MO12) gives effect to SOLAS Chapter II-1.
MSC.458(101)IGF CodeThe resolution MSC.458(101) amends SOLAS II-1, Part G, for ships that use low flashpoint fuels.  Marine Order 12 (Construction - subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations) 2023 (MO12) gives effect to SOLAS Chapter II-1.1/01/2024
MSC.456(101)SOLAS Chapter IThe resolution MSC.456(101) amends Form E (Record of Equipment for Cargo Ship Safety, Form C (Cargo Ship Safety Certificate) and Form P (Record of Equipment for Passenger Ship Safety). Safety certificates are captured in Marine Order 31 (SOLAS and non-SOLAS certification) 2019.1/01/2024
MSC.429(98)REV.2SOLAS Chapter II-2The resolution MSC.429(98)REV.2 updates Explanatory notes to SOLAS Chapter II-1 subdivision and damage stability regulations. Marine Order 12 (Construction—subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations) 2023 (MO12) gives effect to SOLAS Chapter II-1.1/01/2024
IMO resolutions that entered into force in 2023
ResolutionTitleRelevant convention/codeDescriptionEnter into force
MSC.486(103)Amendments to the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, 1978 (STCW 1978)STCWThe resolution added to regulation I/1.1 of the STCW Convention a definition "High-voltage means an alternating current (AC) or direct current (DC) voltage in excess of 1,000 volts”. Marine Order 72 (Engineer officers) gives effect to the STCW Convention, therefore, the new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in MO72 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2023
MSC.483(103)Amendments to the International Code on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections During Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers, 2011 (2011 ESP CODE)SOLAS Chapter XI-1Resolution MSC.483(103) amends the ESP Code through Chapter XI-1 SOLAS. The amendments to MSC.483(103) are given effect in Marine Order 18 (Measures to enhance maritime safety) gives effect to Chapter XI-1 of SOLAS, as amended from time to time.1 January 2023
MSC.500(105)Amendments to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) CodeIMSBC CodeThe amendments to MSC.500(105) are given effect in Marine Order 34 gives effect to the IMSBC Code, as in force from time to time.1 January 2023
IMO resolutions that entered into force in 2022
ResolutionTitleRelevant convention/codeDescriptionEnter into force
MSC.494(104)Amendments to the Performance Standards for Shipborne Voyage Data Recorders (VDRs) (Resolution MSC.333(90))SOLAS Chapter V

There are two parts to the Resolution: VDRs and EPIRBs. VDRs: Resolution MSC.494(104) amends Res.MSC.333(90) which is referred to in Schedule 2 of Marine Order 27.

EPIRBs: Resolution MSC.494(104) removes Resolutions A.810(19) and adds MSC.471(101) Performance standards for float-free emergency.

The amendments to MSC.494(104) are given effect in Marine Order 27 (Safety of navigation and radio equipment) gives effect to parts of Chapter V of SOLAS, as amended from time to time.

1 July 2022
MSC.493(104)Amendments to the Performance Standards for Shipborne Simplified Voyage Data Recorders (S-VDRs) (Resolution MSC.163(78), as amended)SOLAS Chapter VThere are two parts to the Resolution - VDRs and EPIRBs. VDRs: Resolution MSC.493(104) amends two current resolutions, Res.MSC.163(78) and Res.MSC.214(81), both of which are referred to in Schedule 2 of Marine Order 27. EPIRBs: Resolution MSC.493(104) removes Resolutions A.810(19) and A.812(19), and adds MSC.471(101) Performance standards for float-free emergency. The amendments to MSC.493(104) are given effect in Marine Order 27 (Safety of navigation and radio equipment) gives effect to parts of Chapter V of SOLAS, as amended from time to time.1 July 2022
MSC.481(102)Revised Recommendation on the use and fitting of Retro-reflective materials on life-saving appliancesLSAThe fitting of retro-reflective material to life-saving appliances is required by the International Life-Saving Appliance Code (LSA Code), mandatory under SOLAS. Marine Order 25 (Equipment – lifesaving) 2014 gives effect to parts of Chapter III of SOLAS, which incorporates the requirements of the LSA Code. Amendments to the Code are provided for in domestic legislation via the use of the phrase ‘as in force from time to time’.1 March 2022
MSC.477(102)Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code



This Resolution includes the entire text of the 2020 IMDG Code and includes the 40-20 amendments themselves. In voluntary effect already (as soon as the 2020 IMDG Code including the 40-20 amendments is published by the IMO).

IMDG Code will be in voluntary effect under MO41 and can be used to comply with the Order. Marine Order 41 reflects Australia’s obligation to ensure the IMDG Code in mandatory effect is in force in Australia - as required under SOLAS. We also allow the Code that is voluntary effect to be used as this allows a year for users to start using it and understanding the changes.

1 June 2022
MEPCFor MEPC resolutions please see table of MARPOL amendments.
IMO resolutions that entered into force 1 January 2021



Relevant convention/code


Enter into force

MSC.463(101)Amendments to the Code for the construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk (BCH Code) This resolution, amending the BCH Code, is given effect primarily in Marine Order 17 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 17 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2021
MSC.462(101)Amendments to the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes (IMSBC) CodeSOLAS Chapter VIThis resolution amends the IMSBC Code, is given effect primarily in Marine Order 34 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 34 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2021
MSC.461(101)Amendments to the International Code on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections during Surveys of Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers (2011 ESP Code)SOLAS Chapter XI-1This resolution amends the 2011 ESP Code, is given effect primarily in Marine Order 18 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 18 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2021
MSC.460(101)Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code)SOLAS Chapter VIIThis resolution, amending the IBC Code, is given effect primarily in Marine Order 17 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 17 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2021

For MEPC resolutions please see table of MARPOL amendments.


IMO resolutions that entered into force 1 January 2020



Relevant convention/code


Enter into force

MEPC.302(72) Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) - (Model form of International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk)IBCThis resolution amends paragraph 6 of the model form of the IBC Code, given effect primarily in Marine Order 17 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 17 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MEPC.303(72) Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) (Model form of Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk)BCHThis resolution, amending the BCH Code’s model form of Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk. The BCH Code is referenced in Marine Order 17, and in Marine Order 93 by definition 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Orders 17 and 93 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MEPC.305(73) Amendments to the Annex of the Protocol of 1997 to amend the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto - Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI.  MARPOL Annex VIMarine Order 97 has been amended to: remove outdated sulphur fuel oil limits; prescribe matters in relation to the use of exhaust gas cleaning systems or other technological methods which can be used under the Pollution Prevention Act; prescribe emission levels for sulphur oxides; and prescribe matters for the Pollution Prevention Act about compulsory reporting of the non-availability of low sulphur fuel oil. The amended Order also clarifies that all vessels must comply with Annex VI of MARPOL and makes provision for the Register of Local Suppliers of Fuel Oil. 1 March 2020
MEPC.317(74)Amendments to the NOx Technical Code 2008 (electronic record books and certification requirements for SCR systems)MARPOL Annex IIThis resolution, amending the NOx Technical Code 2008 is given effect in Marine Order 97, being referenced as criteria for the issue of an EIAPP Certificate as required by Annex VI of MARPOL. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 97 at the entry in to force date.1 October 2020
MEPC.322(74)Amendments to the 2018 Guidelines on the method of calculation of the attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for new ships (resolution MEPC.308(73))MARPOL Annex VIThis resolution, amending the 2018 Guidelines on the method of calculation of the attained EEDI for new ships, is given effect in Marine Order 97, being referenced as guidance for calculation of EEDI as required by Annex VI of MARPOL. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 97 at the entry in to force date.1 October 2020
MSC.402(96)Requirements for maintenance, thorough examination, operational testing, overhaul and repair of lifeboats and rescue boats, launching appliances and release gearSOLAS Chapter IIIThe Requirements adopted by resolution MSC.402(96) relate to the following regulations: (1) SOLAS regulation III/20 – Operational readiness, maintenance and inspections; and (2) SOLAS regulation III/36 – Instructions for onboard maintenance. The Requirements amend SOLAS Chapter III to update existing requirements for the maintenance, testing and repair of lifeboats, clarifying the tasks that may be undertaken by seafarers, and those to be undertaken by authorised service agents. The new requirements are automatically included in Marine Order 25 at the entry into force date.1 January 2020
MSC.403(96)Amendments to the International Code on Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code)SOLAS Chapter II-2This resolution, amending the FSS Code), is given effect primarily in Marine Order 15 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 15 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.404(96)Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 as amendedSOLAS Chapter II-2The Resolution amends Chapter II-2 and Chapter III of SOLAS in three ways: first in relation to updating requirements for fire-fighting appliances at helicopter landing areas on ships; secondly in relation to provisions for an evacuation analysis on passenger ships; and finally in relation to updating requirements for the maintenance, testing and repair of lifeboats. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Orders 15, 12, and 25 respectively at the entry into force date.1 January 2020
MSC.407(96)Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODU Code)MODUThis resolution, amending the 2009 MODU Code, is given effect in Marine Order 47 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 47 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.409(97)Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amendedSOLAS Chapter II-1The Resolution amends Chapter II‑1, Chapter II‑2 and Chapter XI-1 of SOLAS in three ways: first in relation to clarifying the application of Code of Noise Levels requirements on board ships; secondly to provide an exemption for certain ships from providing additional fire extinguishers; and finally to harmonise survey periods for certain cargo ships. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Orders 11, 15, 18, and 31 respectively at the entry into force date.1 January 2020
MSC.410(97)Amendments to the International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code)FSSThis resolution, amending the FSS Code, is given effect primarily in Marine Order 15 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 15 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.411(97)Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)IGCThis resolution, amending the IGC Code, is given effect primarily in Marine Order 17 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 17 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.413(97)Amendments to the introduction and part A of the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code)SOLAS Chapter II-1This resolution, adopts amendments to the introduction and part A of the 2008 IS Code. The IS Code is given effect in Marine Order 12 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 12 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.414(97)Amendments to the introduction and part A of the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code)Load LinesThis resolution, adopts, in accordance with paragraph 2(d) of article VI of the 1988 Load Lines Protocol, amendments to the introduction and part A of the 2008 IS Code. The IS Code is given effect in Marine Order 12 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 12 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.421(98)Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 as amendedSOLAS Chapter II-1The amended Marine Order 21 (and consequential amendments to Marine Order 12) give effect to IMO Resolution MSC.421(98), which introduces a new SOLAS regulation Chapter II-1/19-1 (new procedures for the “Damage control drill for passenger ships”. A consequential amendment to Marine Order 12 is made to exclude the new SOLAS regulation Chapter II-1/ 19-1 from Marine Order 12.1 January 2020
MSC.422(98)Amendments to the International Code of Safety for ships using gases or other low-flashpoint fuels (IGF Code)IGFThis resolution updates the IGF Code, and this Code applies to ships to which part G of SOLAS chapter II-1 applies. SOLAS chapter II-1, referring to machinery is given effect in Marine Order 12 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 12 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.423(98)Amendments to the International Code of Safety for High-speed Craft, 1994 (1994 HSC Code)HSCThis resolution amends the 1994 HSC Code, which is given effect in Marine Order 49 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 49 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.424(98)Amendments to the International Code of Safety for High-speed Craft, 2000 (2000 HSC CODE)HSCThis resolution amends the 2000 HSC Code, which is given effect in Marine Order 49 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 49 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.425(98)Amendments to the International Life-saving Appliance Code (LSA Code)LSAThis resolution, updating the LSA Code, is given effect in Marine Order 25 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 25 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.435(98)Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling Units, 2009 (2009 MODU Code)MODUThis resolution, amending the 2009 MODU Code, is given effect in Marine Order 47 (MO47) 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in MO47 at the entry in to force date. Note that MO47 has been reissued as Marine Order 47 (Offshore industry units) 2019 and Marine Order 60 has been repealed, and as a consequence respective references have been amended in Marine Orders 1, 12, 15, and 97.1 January 2020
MSC.436(99)Amendments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974 as amendedSOLAS Chapter II-1, SOLAS Chapter IVThe reissued Marine Order 63 and the amended Marine Order 27 give effect to IMO Resolution MSC.436(99), which recognises providers other than Inmarsat plc as having met all of the eligibility requirements to provide mobile satellite services within the Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS).1 January 2020
MSC.437(99)Amendments to the International Code for Application of Fire Test Procedures, 2010 (2010 FTP Code)FTPThis resolution, updating the 2010 FTP Code (mandatory under chapter II-2 of SOLAS) is given effect in Marine Order 15 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 15 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.438(99)Amendments to the International Code of Safety for High-speed Craft, 1994 (1994 HSC Code)HSCThis resolution amends the 1994 HSC Code, which is given effect in Marine Order 49 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 49 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.439(99)Amendments to the International Code of Safety for High-speed Craft, 2000 (2000 HSC CODE)HSCThis resolution amends the 2000 HSC Code chapter 14, introducing the defined term ‘recognized mobile satellite service’; amends the defined term for Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) identities; and removes all references to ‘Inmarsat’. The resolution is given effect in Marine Order 49 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 49 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.440(99)Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code)IBCThis resolution amending the IBC Code, is given effect primarily in Marine Order 17 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 17 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.441(99)Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code)IGCThis resolution, amending the IGC Code, is given effect primarily in Marine Order 17 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 17 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.442(99)Amendments to the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG CODE)IMDGThis resolution, adopting amendments to the IMDG Code, is given effect primarily in Marine Order 41, and mentioned in MOs 32 and 94 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in these Marine Orders at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.443(99)Amendments to the introduction and part A of the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code)ISThis resolution, adopts, in accordance with article VIII(b)(iv) of SOLAS, amendments to part A of the 2008 IS Code, as amended by resolution MSC.413(97), agreeing that this resolution and resolution MSC.413(97) shall be read and interpreted together as one single instrument. The IS Code is given effect in Marine Order 12 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 12 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.444(99)Amendments to the introduction and part A of the International Code on Intact Stability, 2008 (2008 IS Code)ISThis resolution, adopts, in accordance with paragraph 2(d) of article VI of the 1988 Load Lines Protocol, as amended by resolution MSC.414(97), agreeing that this resolution and resolution MSC.414(97) shall be read and interpreted together as one single instrument. The IS Code is given effect in Marine Order 12 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 12 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.445(99)Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships, 2008 (SPS Code)SPSThis resolution, amending the SPS Code - Record of Equipment for the Special Purpose Ship Safety Certificate (Form SPS) introducing the defined term ‘recognized mobile satellite service’; and removes the reference to 'Inmarsat', is given effect in Marine Order 50 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 50 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.446(99)Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code)BCHThis resolution, amending the BCH Code - model form of Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk. The BCH Code is referenced in Marine Order 17 and in Marine Order 93 by definition 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Orders 17 and 93 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.447(99)Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (GC CODE)GCThis resolution, amending the Certificate of Fitness under the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk, is given effect in Marine Order 17 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Orders 17 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.449(99)Performance standards for shipborne Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS) Receiver EquipmentMARPOL Annex IVAction pending outcomes of ITU/World Radio Conference (Nov. 2019) and completion of analysis.1 July 2020
MSC.452(99)Amendments to the Revised Performance Standards for Integrated Navigation Systems (INS)INSThe amendment to Marine Order 27 incorporates by reference the document: Revised performance standards for integrated navigation systems, adopted as Resolution MSC.452(99).1 July 2020
MSC.453(100)Amendments to the Code of Safety for Special Purpose Ships, 2008 (SPS Code)SPSThis resolution, updating of radio facilities covered by definition of SPS Code (MSC.266(84)), is given effect in Marine Order 50 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 50 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
MSC.454(100)Revised Guidelines for Verification of Conformity with Goal-based Ship Construction Standards for Bulk Carriers and Oil TankersSOLAS Chapter XI-1This resolution adopting the Revised Guidelines for verification of conformity with goal-based ship construction standards for bulk carriers and oil tankers, is given effect in Marine Order 12 'as in force from time to time'. The new requirements of the resolution are automatically included in Marine Order 12 at the entry in to force date.1 January 2020
Last updated: 13 March 2025