Published on Australian Maritime Safety Authority (

Order task books, record books and log books (form 1057A)


Purchase task, record and log books online or download PDF versions and print your own.

You can now also purchase GMDSS radio log books and dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes handbooks online. This replaces the AMSA form 1057B.

How to complete this form

Purchase these record books using our online ordering system or download PDF versions and print your own.

To use the CSI (Corrective Services Industries) online ordering system you will need:

If this is your first time using the online ordering system, you can create an account before you begin.

Order task, record or log books using the CSI (Corrective Services Industries) online ordering system.

After you have placed your order

The system will email your receipt and process your order within 48 hours.

Deliveries by Australia Post.

Note: The ordering system does not create tax invoices.

If you have questions about your order, contact CSI (Corrective Services Industries, directly.

Items you can order using this system

You can use the ordering system to purchase these items, or where links to PDFs are available available, download and print your own for free.

Record books and log books

Task books

Handbooks and GMDSS radio log books

Other products you can order from us

Need help?

Please contact us if you need assistance placing your order.