Published on Australian Maritime Safety Authority (

About levies, fees, and payments

You may need to pay a fee, levy or charge, depending on what action you need to do. Find out about our current levies, fees, and payment options.

The fees and levies we charge are calculated on a cost recovery basis, and in accordance with our relevant legislation.

Why we collect levies and fees

The funds raised covers ship and seafarer safety, navigation infrastructure, environmental protection, and marine services and ship registration.

Read our cost recovery implementation statement to find out more about how we charge fees and levies on a cost recovery basis.

Find out more about the proposed subsidised cost recovery levy for the national system. 

Domestic commercial vessel cost recovery

On 2 July, the Australian Government announced there would be no domestic commercial vessel levy to pay during the first three years of services under AMSA.

Liability calculator

Calculator for limits of liability

The calculator displays the limit of liability for oil pollution damage by oil-carrying ships.


Marine levy payment portal

Levy payment portal

You can make payments through our levy payment portal. Access the payment portal to pay your marine levies, fees or charges.

Marine levies

Marine navigation (regulatory functions) levy

This levy must be paid by all Australian and foreign vessels that call at Australian ports. It is used to fund the cost of safety activities.

Protection of the sea levy

This levy must be paid by any vessel with the potential to pollute the marine environment. It is used to fund the response to any environmental incidents.

Marine navigation levy

This levy must be paid by any vessel using our marine aids to navigation systems. With a 'user pays' principle, this levy is used to fund the provision of coastal marine aids for the navigation network.


Shipping registration fees

Shipping registration fees

You will need to pay application fees when you apply to register your vessel. Find out what fees you will need to pay and how to pay them.

Certificate of competency fees

When applying for a certificate—or ticket—you need to pay an application fee. The fee will depend on the certificate you are applying for.

Schedule of charges for charges for international certificates

Fees for domestic certificates

National System for Domestic Commercial Vessel Safety fees

When accessing services and applying for certificates under the national system, you may need to pay a fee. See fees for certificate services—domestic commercial vessel safety for more information.

Last updated: 29 July 2024