The consultation closed on Sunday 29 September 2019.
Consultation on proposed changes to Marine Order 505 closed on 29 September 2019. AMSA is now considering the submissions and the proposals put forward during the consultation process. Due to the valuable feedback we have received from industry the implementation dates for the proposed changes are also under further consideration. We will update you via AMSA Update once amended timelines have been determined.
The proposed new Marine Order 505 (Certificates of competency – national law) 2019 provides a standard for certificates of competency and qualifications for crew and masters of domestic commercial vessels.
The new marine order will simplify the information for domestic commercial vessel certificates and qualifications so they are easier to read, use and apply.
Read the Consultation on the near coastal qualifications review proposed new Marine Order 505 (Certificates of competency – national law) 2019 (PDF 300 KB)
The proposed changes include:
- National Standard for Commercial Vessels (NSCV) part D will be incorporated into a new Marine Order 505 (Certificates of competency – national law) 2019
- Five new kinds of certificates are proposed:
- Coxswain grade 3 near coastal
- Sailing master coastal near coastal
- Sailing master offshore near coastal
- Master less than 45 metres near coastal
- Master less than 100 metres near coastal
- Three kinds of certificates no longer to be issued:
- Master less than 35 metres near coastal
- Mate less than 80 metres near coastal
- Master less than 80 metres near coastal
- Mandatory completion of an AMSA approved task book before most certificates of competency will be issued.
- A new standard for the assessment of medical fitness for masters and crew of domestic commercial vessels.
- Inclusion of the provisions for the conduct of AMSA mandated practical assessments (AMPAs).
- Sea service to be recorded in hours—eight hours equals one day.
- Removal of certificate of competence endorsements that allow for an increase in vessel length.
- Removal of the ‘restricted to sheltered waters’ restriction on certificates.
- A first-aid certificate will be required for initial issue and renewal of all certificates of competency.
- Carrying passengers to be now permitted for Coxswain 2.
- Medical and eyesight tests will be required for issuing all new certificates.
- Colour vision testing will not be required for engineering certificates.
Many available general exemptions that expire at end of 30 June 2020 will be incorporated into the new Marine Order 505. Some exemptions also will be repealed as a result of the changes.
We want your feedback on the following:
- Is the draft Marine Order 505 easy to understand?
- Are there any sections that are not clear?
- Do you agree that an application for a new certificate of competency should include the requirement to hold a first-aid certificate?
- Do you think a medical fitness certificate for a new issue and self-declaration of medical fitness for renewal is appropriate for the lower grade certificates?
- Do you think the eligibility requirements and duties for a Coxswain grade 3 NC are appropriate?
- Do you think a recreational boat licence is sufficient for a Coxswain grade 3?
- Do you wish to comment on any other aspect of the order?
Consultation dates
The consultation closed on Sunday 29 September 2019.
Following this consultation period, it is proposed that amendments to marine order 505 will come into effect on 1 July 2020.
Information sessions
To support the consultation, we held a series of information sessions around the country.
Read the Consultation on the near coastal qualifications review proposed new Marine Order 505 (Certificates of competency – national law) 2019 (PDF 300 KB) PDF265.52 KB
Estimated annual regulatory costs and savings (PDF 740 KB) PDF710.36 KB (Impacts from proposed changes to Marine Order 505 (Certificates of competency – national law) 2013)
Draft proposed Marine Order 505 (Certificates of competency – national law) 2019 (PDF 880 KB)
Change summary—AMSA regulatory consultation on draft Marine Order 505 (PDF 820 KB) PDF821 KB
Draft Standards for the medical examination of domestic seafarers (PDF 804 KB) PDF734.76 KB
Draft Certificate of medical fitness domestic seafarers (PDF 790 KB)