Published on Australian Maritime Safety Authority (
The National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) is the designated assessor for offshore environmental management of petroleum activities.
The Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Legislation Amendment (Environment Measures) Regulations 2014 require organisations engaged in offshore exploration or exploitation activities (or titleholders) to have an environmental plan which contains an oil pollution emergency plan and this must provide for consultation with relevant persons. The environmental plan must also demonstrate that the titleholder has carried out the consultation required by the Regulations. NOPSEMA has published detailed guidance on its website.
As of 2021, AMSA will no longer be entering into any direct agreements with Titleholders for support with oil spill preparedness and response into the future. AMSA will continue to fulfil its obligations under the National Plan for Maritime Environmental Emergencies for non-ship source pollution incidents on the formal request from the respective Offshore Petroleum Incident Controller/s.