Published on Australian Maritime Safety Authority (

Domestic Certificates of Competency (COCs)

You must hold a current and appropriate near coastal Certificate of competency to perform the duties required by your job on a vessel—including fishing vessels—in Australian waters.

Get a certificate of competency or revalidate your existing certificate to work in Australian waters.


These domestic certificates allow you to perform duties relating to the navigation of a vessel.


These domestic certificates allow you to perform duties relating to the machinery of a vessel.


These domestic certificates allow you to perform duties relating to the navigation and machinery of a vessel.

Sailing master

These domestic certificates allow you to perform duties relating to the navigation and machinery of a sailing vessel only.

Training organisations for domestic qualifications

These registered training organisations deliver courses you can use to get a domestic certificate of competency.

Completing your domestic application

Guidance documents and directions for completing and submitting your application for a domestic certificate.

Manage your domestic certificate

Find out how to change or replace your certificate and about grandfathering arrangements.