Published on Australian Maritime Safety Authority (

Lifejacket maintenance and storage

It’s important to maintain your lifejacket according to the manufacturer’s instructions so it works when you need it.

Their safety is in your hands.


Requirements under the national law

What domestic commercial vessel (DCV) operators need to do to comply.

  • Follow the manufacturer's maintenance instructions
  • Develop a maintenance schedule for your lifejackets
  • Keep records of what maintenance has been done

See also: National law requirements relating to lifejacket risk assessments and choosing the right lifejacket.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions

To ensure lifejackets are in working order, you should follow the manufacturer’s instructions about maintenance. 

Maintenance is particularly important for inflatable lifejackets. They need to be:

Develop a maintenance schedule and keep records

Use these instructions, and any other government or industry requirements, to develop a maintenance schedule for your lifejackets, along with all your other safety equipment. 

Never take short-cuts on servicing or skip your lifejacket maintenance checks. Keep proper records of what maintenance has been done. This allows you to track when they are next due for servicing or self-checks and helps to ensure your safety.  

Lifejacket storage

Follow these tips for the storage of your lifejacket:

The regulations

Lifejacket requirements under the national law are covered in these regulations: 

Last updated: 18 October 2024