Published on Australian Maritime Safety Authority (

How marine orders are created

Find out what marine orders are, why they exist and how they are written.

Marine orders are regulations made under Commonwealth legislation.

Marine orders contain the detailed requirements and processes ensuring legislation keeps up to date with technical and operational advances in maritime safety and environment protection. They also put international and national maritime standards into effect.

We have two series of marine orders:

Marine orders are made under the:

How the legislation affects the marine order

The legislation sets out broad objectives, key certification requirements, compliance and enforcement powers, and administrative matters, and describes the major offences and penalties. The marine orders contain detailed technical requirements and cover a wide range of matters, including:

How we develop, review and amend marine orders

The development process covers the following steps:

The development process includes flexibility for amendments. We follow the Australian Government’s Guide to Regulation and consult the OIA throughout the process. A Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) might be prepared based on advice from the OIA and the preparation of a RIS is mandatory if there is potential for a significant regulatory impact on Australian business.


We are committed to constructive consultation with our stakeholders—in government, industry and the community.

When creating or changing a marine order, we have a range of consultation strategies and consultative committees for engaging with stakeholders.

We invite comments from peak industry bodies, marine safety authorities, other recognised organisations, shipping companies and unions.

Consultation periods are generally for four weeks. For significant, complex or major issues, we may allow longer periods of consultation and further public consultation may occur. 

Registration and publication of marine orders

After our Chief Executive Officer signs the marine order, we register it on the Federal Register of Legislation. Registration must occur for a marine order to take effect.

Annual regulatory plan

AMSA publishes regulatory plans to provide business and the community with information about planned changes to regulatory instruments to make it easier for them to be involved in their development.

Related information

Last updated: 12 February 2024