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Exemption changes

This page contains a list of past changes to exemptions.

The following changes to Exemptions have taken effect in the year specified.

Exemptions affected by recent regulatory change 

ExemptionNotesStart date
Exemption 7 New provisions added to allow vessels to operate for up to 12 months while rectifying minor non-conformances. 1 March 2025
Exemption 49 New exemption for vessels built to regulated Australian vessel standards to operate as a domestic commercial vessel. 1 March 2025
Exemption 48New exemption for people who work on a commercial houseboat that is usually operated as a hire and drive vessel.10 May 2024
Exemption 44Consequential changes due to the Marine Order 97 (Marine pollution prevention – air pollution) (MO97) update. MO97 now incorporates all EIAPP certificate requirements. This Ex44 update reflects those changes and alleviates the remaining EIAPP certificate requirements under MO503 (Certificates of survey – national law).1 January 2023
Exemptions 10,17,18,31, 36Minor consequential and editorial amendments due to the introduction of Marine Order 505 (Certificates of competency).1 January 2023
Exemptions 12, 20, 26, 30, 34, 38Repealed due to no longer being required under the revised Marine Order 505 (Certificates of competency) 2022.1 January 2023
Exemption 45 — Marine Safety (General Purpose Hand) Exemption 2022This temporary arrangement has been put in place to assist with the introduction of the new revised Marine Order 505 (Certificates of competency). It gives certain individuals 12-months to apply for the GPH certificate of competency.1 January 2023
Exemption 46 — Marine Safety (Coxswain Grade 3) Exemption 2022This temporary arrangement has been put in place to assist with the introduction of the new revised Marine Order 505 (Certificates of competency). It exempts any person who previously operated under Exemption 38 – Marine safety (low complexity duties), from the requirement to hold a certificate of medical fitness until 31 December 2023.1 January 2023
All National Law general ExemptionsAll National Law general exemptions which were due to expire on 30 June 2020 were extended to provide seafarers and operators with continuity and certainty.1 July 2020
Exemption 4 - Marine Safety (Recreational use)Amended to correct the requirement to apply to AMSA for approval to operate under EX04, which was removed in 2018, but inadvertently reinserted in error.27 August 2020
Exemption 42 – Marine Safety (Extension of time – certificates of competency)Due to the current social isolation restrictions and uncertainty caused by COVID-19, and to assist seafarers during this period, AMSA extended the duration of all National Law certificates of competency.17 September 2020
Exemption 43 – Marine Safety (Extension of time – first aid and crewing)Due to the current social isolation restrictions and uncertainty caused by COVID-19, and to assist operators during this period, AMSA exempted the master or crew to have a current first aid certificate where it has recently expired.17 September 2020
Last updated: 1 January 2024