Published on Australian Maritime Safety Authority (

Step 2: Check eligibility for a simplified SMS

Operators are required to have a full SMS until 1 June 2025 when simplified SMS requirements come into effect.

Is my vessel eligible for a simplified SMS?

Simplified SMS - eligibility flowchart

Image description: Is my vessel eligible for a simplified SMS?

Vessels eligible to operate with a simplified SMS, must be either:

  • Class 2 vessels less than 7.5m in length that carry no more than 4 day passengers 
  • Class 3 vessels less than 7.5m in length
  • Class 4 vessels less than 7.5m in length.  

They must not:  

  • carry dangerous goods
  • have a net reel, crane, lifting device or deck load, the use of which is likely to adversely impact the stability or watertight integrity of the vessel
  • have an inboard engine that operates on fuel that has a flashpoint of less than 60 degrees Celsius, e.g. petrol
  • have berthed accommodation  
  • be set up for towage operations
  • be determined by AMSA to be unsuitable for simplified SMS arrangements.