Published on Australian Maritime Safety Authority (

AMSA Modern Slavery Statement 2023 - Image Long Descriptions

This figure describes Modern Slavery Risks

– CAUSED by your entity

Take action to cease or prevent the risk and provide for or cooperate in remedying any actual impact. Use leverage to mitigate remaining risk as much as possible.

– CONTRIBUTED TO by your entity

Take action to cease or prevent your contribution to the risk and provide for or cooperate in remedying any actual impact. Use leverage to mitigate remaining risk as much as possible.

– DIRECTLY LINKED to your entity

Use leverage to influence the entity causing the risk to take action.

Consider if you should provide for or cooperate in remedying any actual impact.

You should consider ending the business relationship if your entity lacks the leverage to influence the entity causing the risk to change its behaviour and you cannot increase your leverage.


The table below describes what is in this image

Almost CertainModerateModerateHighExtremeExtreme
UnlikelyVery LowLowModerateModerateHigh
RareVery LowVery LowLowModerateModerate
Last updated: 17 July 2024