Published on Australian Maritime Safety Authority (

Exemption 36—Marine Safety (Steam-powered vessels)

You can apply for Exemption 36 by completing and submitting AMSA form 758 to and provide supporting documents to confirm you meet the eligibility criteria mentioned below.

What this exemption allows you to do

1) Exemption 36 allows a person to perform the duties of Chief engineer without a Marine engine driver, grade 2 or 3 near coastal certificate of competency on the following vessels:

2) Exemption 36 also allows for a person who holds one of the following certificates:

to perform the duties of Chief engineer, without a Marine Engine Driver Grade 2 or 3 Near coastal Certificate of competency, on any vessel that has steam as its main method of propulsion with propulsion power less than 750 kilowatts.


You are eligible for part 1) of this exemption if you:

Other requirements

You must also comply with the following: 

We may impose other conditions based on local conditions or ones that we consider necessary for marine safety.

Legislation and incorporated material

Related information 



Australian Maritime Safety Authority
