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9. Key forward dates and events

Indicative dates for tasks in preparing the 2022-23 Budget and updates are listed in Table 14 – this does not incorporate the upcoming government review of AMSA’s operations that will involve extensive and comprehensive stakeholder engagement. 

Table 14: Indicative events and forward dates 



Indicative dates 

2022-23 Budget CRIS 

Develop new costing models for 2022-23 Budget  

December 2021 to April 2022 

Publish a consultative CRIS for engagement, including with updates of 2021-22 estimates. 

May 2022 

Publish ministerial approved 2022-23 Budget CRIS, incorporating any external stakeholder feedback 

June 2022 

2022-23 Updated CRIS 

Update 2021-22 costing models with year-end results, including non-financial performance measures 

July to August 2022 

Publish ministerial approved 2022-23 update CRIS 

September 2022