Published on Australian Maritime Safety Authority (

Our regulatory approach

In undertaking our statutory role, we will ensure our compliance and enforcement approaches are risk-based, streamlined, and proportionate to the risks being managed.

We will apply a systems safety approach to understand and address safety incidents by taking into account all of the diverse factors contributing to an incident. Our approach will examine and consider broader factors including on board conditions, environmental influences, organisational constrains and other safety issues.

By using a system-based approach we will ensure greater consistency in the collection, categorisation and analysis of safety data. It will help to inform more effective and integrated responses and prevention activities to address common safety issues and incidents.

This approach involves:

Our compliance approach is underpinned by the principles in AMSA's Compliance and Enforcement Policy, Compliance Strategy 2018-2022, and the Statement of Regulatory Approach.

AMSA's compliance approach is described in Figure 1.

Figure 1: AMSA compliance and regulatory pyramid
