Published on Australian Maritime Safety Authority (
In 2021 three operational related fatalities occurred on foreign flagged vessels. Of these, one was classified as an operational fatality occurring during a crew transfer between vessels; the deceased crew member was wearing a lifejacket at the time of the incident. The remaining fatal incidents involved crew members who went missing from the vessel and are presumed to have died. There were no RAV or foreign-flagged vessel reports of operational-related passenger fatalities in 2021.
Detailed reporting on RAV and foreign-flagged vessel crew fatalities is contained in the 2021 Annual Report on the Maritime Labour Convention.
In response access safety issues identified, AMSA has issued information and guidance on safe vessel access, including Marine Notices on pilot transfer arrangements and pilot ladders and a Safety Awareness Bulletin on safe vessel access.
A total of 77 serious injuries were reported for RAVs (18) and foreign flagged (59) vessels. The most common types of circumstances in which a crew injury was reported (which was consistent across very serious, serious and less serious injuries) were:
As identified in the National Compliance Plan AMSA will continue to pay particular attention to MLC compliance in relation to seafarer health and safety protection and accident prevention.
Seven persons overboard incidents were reported by foreign flagged vessels in 2021 and 3 of these were fatal incidents as per above.